
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



6 Years
09-20-2018, 01:41 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2018, 06:28 AM by Asgeira.)

OOC Name: Fawksie
Character Name: Nerys (NAIRE-ees)

Appearance: This beautiful she-wolf is seemingly built of soot and snow. Charcoals, dusky blues, silver and white mingle across her pelt. She melts to nothingness in a moonlit, snowy forest. The base of her coat is the lightest shade, darkening to the deepest charcoal-blue on her underbelly, mane and face. The tip of her tail and the toes of her forepaws are this deep shade as well. The middle ground is mottled with smears of the shades in between, and flecks of white resembling unmelted snowflakes ever present along her flanks and back. She may not have been colored as vibrantly as some of her kin, but it has not kept Nerys from feeling beautiful in her own right. Longlegged and slim, the wraith-like woman assumes an air of grace in everything she does. Her coat is plush and thick, reflecting her northern heritage, and rather burdensome in warmer climes. Far and away the most vibrant part of her appearance are her vibrant, amethyst eyes.

Personality: Nerys views herself as an intelligent, cultured wolf. Kin to this, she is frequently known to go out of her way to satiate a burning and ever-present sense of curiosity. This is unfortunately often paired with a bullheaded lack of tact that can occasionally make the object of her curiosity feel... Well, a bit put off. Luckily for Nerys, she rarely cares. She considers herself as more of a solitary creature anyways, with her patience easily tested by any she deems too loud or brash or uncouth for her liking. The extent to which she might show her irritation will hinge on her mood; Some days may find her saccharine and too sickeningly sweet, while on others her words will tumble forth unchecked and laced with venom. She is whimsical and not easily attached to places or other wolves. Even those who think themselves close to her will find Nerys there one day and simply gone the next.

While she is usually self-serving and apathetic towards strangers, Nerys is strongly opposed to senseless violence or blatant trickery. She sees herself as an honorable wolf, and will always try her best to live up to her word if she has given it to someone. Several potent losses of close friends in her youth have left Nerys reluctant to form close bonds with anyone outside of trade or working agreements, but it does not keep her from wishing for a least one close friend to help occupy ever ever-bustling mind. She thirsts for new experiences and new things to learn, even if they have no practical application in her life. She just wants to know. For all that she prefers to travel alone she does adore gossip, even about wolves she has never met. This is typically the only thing that will draw her in towards the company of others. Nerys considers the peddling of information a valuable trade, and while eager to soak up secrets she does not give away her own easily.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Pack position: Scout & Hunter. Wandering largely on her own, Nerys was seen as very knowledgeable of their homeland and was often sought out by those who needed to travel quickly while avoiding the most dangerously radiated areas.

History: Nerys was the only surviving pup amongst a litter of five. Her mother very nearly died during their birth, and knew that Nerys was likely the only child she was ever going to have. As such, her mother and father doted on her and were incredibly protective as she grew, insisting she never be alone and therefore unprotected for even a moment. This responsibility was shared by her aunts and uncles, older cousins and close friends of her closest kin, and their stifling weight quickly became the bane of the young wolf's youth, even as she saw other young northern wolves kill by enemies or their environment alike. She fought often to get away from her watchers for even a few moment's peace and quiet, failed more often that she succeeded, and was severely scolded for it each and every time.

The older she grew the better she became at slipping away, and the more she valued those peaceful stretches alone. When news reached them that Ignatius had been exiled, Nerys realized that he would have to go somewhere, and that 'elsewhere' might have a place for her as well. She loved her family, but she had become bitter and resentful of the cage they had attempted to trap her in. In the dead of night she stole away and tracked Ignatius as he traveled westward.

RP Sample: (Set as a yearling, before leaving home.)
Nerys shoved the rotting stump with her forepaws, growling out her frustration. It was so stupid! All she wanted was to be helpful and feel like she was doing her best for the North, but how was she ever going to do that if she spent her whole life swaddled in down feathers? She wasn't a pup anymore! She wanted to hunt and fight and explore as much as anyone else did, she figured. Maybe even more. Or perhaps that desire was simply driven by the fact that she wasn't allowed.

It didn't stop her, mind you, but she had certainly received her fair share of punishments over the years. It felt now like her days were spent either brilliantly, wonderfully alone, or miserable and surrounded by the rest of her angry family. Well, that was no way to live your life! She had considered several times leaving and just... never coming back? But she knew a lone wolf would die out there by themselves, either from starvation or radiation, if the roving bands of mutated beasts didn't get to her first.

To live miserable, or to die free? She slumped. Nerys knew that her imagined captivity came only from her parents love for her. She was told every day that she was simply turning a mountain into a molehill, but it didn't feel that way for her. Anger returned to her, manifesting as a snarl. No one seemed to care what she wanted. The farther she pushed, the tighter her restraints grew. Well... Hell with it! She stood up swiftly, unsure of what she meant to do, but stopped short when she was met with a clamoring group of wolves. They were talking quickly amongst themselves, and quietly. Something... has happened to the prince? She gravitated closer, feeling deep in her soul that things were changing at last.

Plots: Nerys will probably spend at least a little bit of time running rampant through Boreas and getting into all sorts of dumb situations. The first time she meets another wolf from their homeland she'll likely assume its some sort of search party to bring her home, so that might not go over too well, to be perfectly honest. But she'll be all about involving herself with any familiar faces that don't want to drag her back. I could see her being interested in everything that went down with the ruling family, and potentially friends with Ig, (mostly for the wow factor of being friends with the prince, but hey.) Mostly I'm just planning to wait and see how the cookie crumbles!
Goals: I want her to build up skill points in Nav and Intellect. At some point I'd like to see her settle into at least a band if not a pack. Develop her character a bit, work her past the 'bratty teen' phase and see what happens after that!