
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



3 Years
09-20-2018, 02:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2018, 11:40 AM by Landon.)

OOC Name: LadyLuna

Character Name: Agnimitra


Appearance: Aggie stands at 32 inches, weighing just over 110lbs. When one lays eyes on her for the first time, they might think the forest is on fire. Like embers floating across a smoke filled sky, she displays the radioactive signatures of her people in a dazzling display of golden flecks across her frame. Her base coloring is a deep chocolate hue around the trunk of her body, and the tips of her body are nearing that of black smoke. Burning embers flame up from the base of her chest, seeming to burn from her heart and out. They are fanned across her chest towards the base of her tail, where they seem just to burn out and her charcoal base takes over.
Embers erupt once more around the hairs framing her face, illuminating her features with their bright colors. The gold contrasting against dark is dazzling and beautiful, the colors making the bright yellow of her eyes pop like two golden nuggets placed symmetrically on her features. As if that wasn't perfect enough, a dash of golden marking strikes along the bottom of her eyelid. This feature tops off her burning embers with a bit more feminine touch. Though many in her clan bare more striking markings, more vibrant and colorful hues that stun even the Gods, Aggie carries her own elegance in a more subtly form.
There is but one flaw to her design however, which bares an ugly mark of a most painful day in her existence. A nasty scar of slightly scraped puncture wounds line the left side of her neck by the base of her shoulder. For the most part her fur dangles long enough to cover them, but with her head turned just the right way... the whole world would get a glimpse at her misery and pain.

Personality: Not one to care for trouble, Aggie is a very pacifist creature, which bloomed during the great time of peace between the two kingdoms. While others in her town grumbled and cursed the northern creatures for the acts of a few or the past, Aggie couldn't have cared less. No northern wolf had ever done her harm, and with the royal family embracing colder bloodlines, there seemed to be need to do anything different.

She is a very closed off individual, perhaps just out of habits or self preservation. Aggie wasn't the one to throw herself into gatherings or large hunting parades, but rather liked to keep to herself and the rare friends she held onto for dear life. Those few, close friends of Aggie? They knew the power held within. Though seemingly as cold as week of coal, Aggie still had a fire within her soul for those who earned it. Blind loyalty to those rare few, with a constant, never wavering friend to call their own. Aggie can be a fierce and loyal companion, who doesn't ask too many questions and will gladly lay her life down for those she cares for.

In general, Aggie is a soft spoken, kind wolf who neither loves nor hates either side of the war. She judges people based on their character, not their color, and certainly not their family. She is a respected young woman who holds no fear and loves fiercely.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Pack position: Hunter and Crafter- Agnimitra, though not very social, was well known as a tavern owner who sold the occasional meat, herbs, and the ale.

History: Born to a merchant family, Aggie was a spitfire as a pup with little to no adult supervision. She would run wild through the town square, causing all kinds of havoc through the merchant shops and even occasionally stole a few items back in the day. She had a two big brothers to protect and guard her, one that was hot headed and the other that was rather cool and collected. Together, they could usually come up with a plan to get Aggie out of what ever trouble she managed to get herself into.

When she was around 10 months old, a war general came and told her father that they needed soldiers for the border. The deal was either have their father go to war, or to surrender both sons. It was infuriating and heartbreaking all at once, but of course, Aggie's father took their place and went off to the border to fight against wolves he had never met before... simply because he was ordered to. She was enraged, and actually attacked the general in public, calling him a mass murderer and the devil for advocating suicide. She was so young and so naive, it took little time to cut her down and put her back into her place. Aggie's family never saw their father again.

Nearly half a year later, the same general came back to their tavern, and demanded more bodies to the front. He demanded only one of the two brothers, calling it "thoughtful" considering one of them needed to carry on the family name. But neither would let the other go in alone. They were brothers after all, closer than anyone. So both left the tavern to fight in the same war their father had died in.. knowing it was likely their fate as well. Aggie pleaded and pleaded for them not to go; their mother wasn't well, and was hardly able to keep the tavern going without the brother's help. Still, her brother's were taken to the border and Aggie was left to cling on to what little her family had left.

Not even a month later, news had broke out that the warriors and their general... were gone. Aggie was left with a dying mother and a business to run on her own. But that news... that news but her on the edge. A dark abyss on one side, and a life worth living on the other. The once vibrant, energetic little spitfire was no more; her smile was more rare than gold, and her heart harder than armor. By the time her mother finally passed on, Aggie cried no tears, and felt no sadness.

Her father and her brother's were dead, made sense her mother would die too. Out of her misery and onto a better life. Aggie didn't try and join them however; no she would continue to work hard to keep the tavern open, to keep other families alive and well fed, knowing one day when the time was right, she would join her family in the ground.

When chaos broke lose, it came as no surprise to Aggie, and though she never even laid eyes on a royal before, she didn't find such horrors so surprising. But when the whole world began to crumble.. taking with it the tavern which held the last memories of her beloved family... Aggie fled with a heavy heart to a new world... not knowing what the hell she was going to do next.

RP Sample: There was a raging fury burning deep within Agnimitra's heart, pumping hot, boiling blood into her arteries and surging through every fiber in her being. She was lit aflame with her anger. Golden eyes aimed daggers at the back of General's ugly head as she watched him lead her beloved father away from the tavern and towards his grave. Everyone in the street was stopped and staring... the look of sadness seared into Aggie's skull for a lifetime. Hot tears filled the rim around her eyes as her body trembled with her pent up rage. damn it... damn it all to hell! They were going to take her sweet father, who's only fighting skills was throwing wasted wolves out of their tavern when they got too drunk, to the borderline to fight their stupid fight for them. She had seen other families send their loved ones off to the war, but never... never would she have thought they would dare come to her home and threaten the same.

She was shaking, trembling really. Legs shook violently as she tried her hardest to stay put. That's what her father's final goodbye was; "Stay put, don't cause any more trouble Aggie." She was trying, trying so damn hard to honor her father's last words, but it was so hard. On either side of her, a brother stood guard with silent tears of their own. She knew how much their father meant to them, because he meant just as much to her. Their mother laid on the ground in a mess of a heap, balling her bloody brains out into the soil. It was god damn heart breaking to watch. But as she watched her father be escorted away, just at the end of the street, that bastard of a General had the audacity to glance back and smirk at Aggie like he had just won some god damn award.

"You bastard." She would call out, before all hell broke out.

Pelt of burning embers took flight, charging head first at that General's stupid smirking face with nothing but hatred and bloodthirsty eyes. The look of shock and pure horror on his face... that should have been satisfying enough. But it wasn't. Agnimitra lunged for his neck without a second thought to the cries of protest coming from all around her; mother and father, her brothers, even wolves just standing by to watch all screamed their displeasure at her action but Aggie didn't give a damn. She wasn't just going to sit there and take this! The moment her fangs dug into the scruff of the General's neck, and he didn't even flinch... that's when the dread started to kick in. What the hell... what the hell did she just do?

"Your daughter's bravery is commendable, but still treason." The General's booming voice chuckled dryly, before Aggie got the most horrific beat down of her life. It happened in a flash; one second she was hanging onto the scruff of the General with his blood dripping onto her tongue, and the next... she was face down in the mud screaming in agony as the painful heat surged across the left side of her neck. He had bitten down on her neck and shoved her into the ground without even sweating a muscle. He sat there holding her neck for a few more minutes for lasting effect, showing his dominance to everyone who stood around to watch. Aggie could hear her mother's screams, she could hear her brother's roar, but the one voice she was looking for... didn't show. When the pressure was released, she let out a sob of relief, but when she finally had the strength to lift her head... the General was gone... and so was her father.

Plots: Hmm I don't really have a lot in mind RN. For the most part I really just want her to get out there and meet some wolves, maybe find a few close friends she can cling onto for the time being. I think it would be interesting to have her meet one of the royal family members, so she can voice her displeasure. But also running into a Northern wolf and not having a care in the world for it would be pretty funny, and maybe even score a best bud out of the deal. (Update) I wouldn't mind her joining the pack, but It would be just out of familiarity and not so much loyalty.

Goals: Not 100% sure yet, but I think it would be really cool to get her tavern back up and running again. Of course I would eventually like to get some kind of love interest and puppers but heck that's so far down the line. Let's just see what she does with a first encounter and then maybe I'll have a better idea.