
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



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ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
09-20-2018, 08:44 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2018, 07:38 PM by Nyx.)

OOC Name: Nyx
Which Adopt?: The love interest
Name: Kirsi


Appearance: A stunning spectacle of ice and snow, Kirsi is well aware of the beauty that she has been endowed with. Her head is a dark blue, the color of a deep-sea glacier, and around her cheeks are light speckles of pale blue - similar to the soft light of the stars that might illuminate a wintery night sky. The same pale blue crawls down her back in an uneven pattern of wispy stripes. The deep blue color fades as it works its way down her back, eventually disappearing into snow-white fur on her lower limbs and the tip of her tail. Another peculiarity is the faint, hardly noticeable white markings that streak the side of her coat, like sharp, jagged cracks through clear ice. Her eyes bear the exact color of a crisp blue sky, a sharp contrast to the deeper blue of the fur on her head. As for build, Kirsi is a small woman, hardly reaching 24" at the shoulder, though it is immediately clear upon meeting her that her size is no hindrance to the glacial woman.

Personality: As icy as the climate from which she was born, Kirsi has a sleek, cold exterior - and what lies beneath is hardly much warmer. On the surface, Kirsi generally seems aloof and disinterested in most wolves that she encounters. She's borderline arrogant, acting as though she's above most others, and is quite picky about who she chooses to give her attention to. She has a rather sharp, biting temperament, her anger harsh when it presents itself (which is admittedly more frequently than she would like it to). One thing that most learn quite quickly about Kirsi is that she is actually extremely deceitful, and able to mask her her true emotions alarmingly easily.. even to those close to her. A trickster by nature, she lies easily and her deceitful nature often leads others to wonder if they ever really know what sort of game she is playing at all. Lying is delightfully easy for her, and some might even call her a pathological liar, one who likes to lie simply for the amusement of it and to see exactly what she can get away with.

Due to her deceptive personality, it can often be hard to tell where her loyalties truly lie. Deep down, she herself knows exactly where her heart belongs - but, knowing that the simple route is not always the best, she is willing to sacrifice whatever she can to ensure the best possible outcome for herself and those she does truly care for. She has a tendency to be chaotic at best, finding few crimes that are beneath her, and always willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead… no matter the cost. While some might wonder if her loyalties have strayed from the northern group, while some might think the opposite - that the southern group cannot trust her - the truth is that her heart has always been wavering somewhere precariously in the middle - a very dangerous territory to be.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

History: Though their love story might be one that stories could someday be told about, it is one originally spawned from lies and deception. Even as a child young Kirsi was known for being a trickster, earning her a harsh reputation among her peers, and often forcing her to look beyond the borders of her home for entertainment. Born in a common family in the northern kingdom, she always had aspirations to become something much greater - and when she met Ignatius' brother, she was certain that she had found that something. Though he was slightly older than her, she was instantly drawn to his charismatic charm and his guileful ways. She was aware of his original claim to the southern kingdom's throne, and he divulged his frustrations and subsequent plan to betray his brother and reclaim a spot on the throne - of course, a spot that was rightfully his to begin with, according to him. Instantly enamored with the older boy, he concocted a plan and enlisted her help in framing Ignatius in something so corrupt that his family would have no choice but to exile him permanently. The plan was to grow close to him and earn his trust, before framing him for the ultimate crime.

However, well... things didn't go exactly according to plan. While she did gain his trust, and he did ultimately develop feelings for her, she too grew fond of the introverted, kind male. He challenged her in ways she never thought anyone could, quite literally warming his way into her icy heart. She saw something in him that his brother lacked, and before long the two had grown into young adults together and their love had blossomed like wildfire. Not only were they forced to keep their relationship a secret, but Kirsi also had to keep up the act with Ignatius' brother until keeping her secret was possible no longer - when she finally realized she was carrying his children. Upon realizing this, Ignatius' brother, feeling betrayed by her, blackmailed her into dethroning him anyway - promising he would kill her children if she didn't fulfill their plan. Ultimately deciding that even Ignatius would agree with her decision (and, knowing the extent of his cruelty, fully believing he was capable of such atrocities) she helped Ignatius' brother, enacting a plan to frame him for murder - and ultimately exile him. Not wanting Ignatius to know what she had done, she stayed away from him during the period of her pregnancy, intending to find him after he was banished from the kingdom and start a true life and family with him. He would forgive her for what she had endured for them, she was certain of it. Though the plan was a success one, soon after her children were born they were taken by Ignatius' brother and killed anyway, all five of them - a show of power as much as a punishment for the way she had ultimately betrayed him in the end.

RP Sample:
Empty. There was no other adjective to describe what Kirsi currently felt. The stench of blood filled her nostrils, draping over her like a heavy fog. It stifled her senses and rendered her almost entirely immobile, and on her unsteady limbs she found herself quivering, trying to remain upright. Ignatius' brother's threat had been just that, at first - a threat - and though she had taken it seriously she had trusted his word. If she helped framed Ignatius, and successfully aided in his banishment, her children - their children - would be safe. Time was all she thought she'd needed, to recover from giving birth to a litter of pups, to let Ignatius make his way away from the kingdom and find somewhere safe to settle down. She planned on trailing after his scent, and once the coast was clear at last, telling him everything. Perhaps she would avoid the part about what had gotten her mixed up in this mess in the first place, but if he learned of her betrayal he had to know why she'd done it. Their children, their precious children...

But, like everything else in life, the future was never certain. In one fell swoop it'd all come tumbling down. Ignatius' brother had gone back on his promise, taking advantage of the one moment she'd let her children slip away from, no doubt stalking her for days before making his move. He was a coward - he'd always been a coward deep down, Kirsi knew that much about him. He was nothing like Ignatius. The thought of him sent a white-hot jolt of pain through her heart. His children were gone, the children he'd known nothing about, the children he'd never have a chance to know now. Their blood painted her face, staining her deep blue far a dark crimson, evidence of her failed efforts to revive them. Ignatius' brother hadn't even had the courage to show himself afterward, slipping away like a leaf on the wind after he'd done something more atrocious than she could ever dream of.

The pain was like nothing she'd ever felt, and with nobody to share it with her Kirsi honestly felt as though the heartache might kill her. Of course, they'd been beautiful children, of mixed blood with coats of deep blue and snow white and fiery red, much like Ignatius. Would she even remember their voices? They'd been so small and so helpless, and their cries still rang harshly in her ears. Slowly, painstakingly, Kirsi tried to move, though she felt glued to the earth itself. It took an enormous amount of effort to drag one paw ahead of the other, though even through her crippling grief she felt a fire deep within. It burned slowly but oh so defiantly, and her brow furrowed in concentration as she focused on regaining her balance and pushing forward. The need for revenge had begun to creep up before she had even began to process what had happened to her and her children, burning like a dull flame within her chest, helping to melt away the overwhelming grief before it consumed her entirely. Though she didn't know what to do, she knew she couldn't stand by idly and do nothing, and getting as far away from this place - and these memories - seemed like a reasonable first step.

Plots: Obviously I'd like her to reunite with Ignatius, and some of their history to come out. I think if he ever finds out the truth, her loyalty will forever be subject to scrutiny and he might find himself wondering if he can ever truly trust anything that she says or does. I think it'd be awesome for Ignatius' brother to brag about how she was working with him (even in love with him! because in a way, she definitely started off with a crush on the brother?) the entire time, and shoving it into his face. That would definitely screw him up a bit - and, if he's even more loudmouthed about it, paint Kirsi in a pretty fucked up light for wolves on both sides of the arrangement, definitely as someone not to be trusted to both sides.

Goals: No real goals in mind, I'd like to see how she plays out? I'd love some revenge drama with Ignatius' brother as well as seeing what kind of relationship she and Ignatius develop, if anything. I'd definitely love if she tried to stir up some drama, by getting information from both fire AND ice wolves, and generally being a disliked wolf among most of these chars for her deceptive and super untrustworthy nature!