
should'a kissed you good night


07-08-2013, 10:50 PM

Seeing as Talon was her first real friend she didn't understand that her excitement might be a bit above and beyond what most wolves normally experienced when meeting old friends. But then again, she was generally above and beyond everyone's level, always bubbly and hyper despite her circumstances. She had only told Prospero the whole story of her mother after she had finally learned the words to describe the gruesome scene to him. It hadn't been pleasant, he had cried for her and she had licked away his tears. She never wanted to have to tell that story again, never wanted to cause anyone else that kind of pain especially on her part. Yes her mother was gone and yes she missed her but she had met so many great people because of what had happened! She would have never met Prospero or Orion or Talon if her mother hadn't died, she would probably still be on the islands with just her mother, speaking her own language and hearing stories about how the beaver brought the first bit of earth from below after the flood and created the first islands. Or how the bear ripped off one of the fox's legs and the raven stole it back and that was why the fox had crossed legs. Though she missed those stories and was sorry that her culture had possibly died with her mother she was still grateful for everything she had. It was hard for the young girl to see anything in a negative light it seemed.

He agreed that it was a good idea for her to call before she came and she smiled easily, she would have to practice her howling for next time then. Maybe she could bug him into giving her some pointers later, or maybe if he wasn't as good as the adults either then she could get him to practice with her! Damn she was brilliant... Head cocked once more as he expressed that he hoped that she would keep visiting. "Course!" She exclaimed, not thinking her words through completely, or that eh might misinterpret them. But with the huge grin on her features it was hard to think she meant wrong by it. "I always visit, I like you too!" Tail waved happily behind her at this statement, not understanding the difference between what he had said and how she had worded it. But in all honestly, they were the same to her. Of course she liked him, he was nice to her and easy to talk to and super cute! She loved his markings, especially the brown around his eyes. His eyes too, something about them made her smile even just looking at them. They were a pretty silver rather then her plain yellow ones that everyone and their familiar seemed to have. What she wouldn't do to be more like him.

He seemed to smile even bigger after she nudged him and her smile slit across her face to match it's intensity. She didn't move away from him when he inched closer a bit awkwardly, even leaned into his touch a bit when his nose brushed against her face. She giggled softly, smile softening as he admitted that he had missed her to. That warmth spread throughout her once more, starting from her chest and radiating throughout. She reached forward quickly and gave him a lick on the cheek, starting at his lower jaw and sweeping upwards towards his eye before she pulled back, soft smile still in place. She liked him, though she didn't quite understand her feelings completely that was the best way she could possibly think to express them. After a moment he offered to show her his home and she smiled, keeping close to him as he turned more towards the centre of the lands. "Yeah!" she exclaimed hopping up and down beside him excitedly. "What your family like?" she asked, unable to keep her curiosity contained any longer. He had met Misty but she didn't know if he had any other siblings or anything about his parents. She wanted to know everything she could about him.
