
I've been housing all this doubt and insecurity


09-21-2018, 03:07 PM
“Uriel… are you coming?”

The voice of the albino mourning dove broke into the female wolf’s thoughts. Mint colored eyes lifted to the winged creature as a small, sad smile crossed onto Uri’s face.

“Yeah…” She said. “Of course I am.”

The duo had decided to leave the North almost a week ago. Uriel’s isolation had her companion concerned and so Shri had been trying to convince her for some time just to leave that place. Finally, at long last, she had succeeded in achieving that goal. Whether it was loneliness or just getting tired of waiting for a part of her family that didn’t even care for her {save for the brother she hadn’t seen in quite some time} the female decided it was time to move on.

Uriel felt different about this land of Boreas now. She had high hopes when she and her siblings first arrived here… but now where did she stand? She was no longer a Guardian of the Lord… and she doubted she would ever be forgiven for her sin, mistake as it might have been.

A sigh left her maw.

Uriel was lonely and she was tired. She was tired of being alone. Sure she had Shri, and the mourning dove was important to her, a sister even, but she was not another of her species.

The wind whipped around Uriel’s body suddenly and almost caused the poor dove to get off balance in the air. Uriel flicked her ears back -- the dark skies foretold of bad weather on the way and here they were out in the open. She looked around and spotted the great red structure known by some in Boreas as the barn of the range.

Perhaps it was a good idea to take shelter there.

“Come on Shri. We’re going to that thing there. It should provide us some shelter from this storm.”

It took a couple minutes to reach the barn but soon Uriel and Shri were inside. The dove settled down on one of the old, musty hay stacks quietly as both peered around.

“This… is strange.” Uriel mused to herself, keeping close to the entrance and Shri. The inside of the building was large, offering a lot of hiding spots for another predator. It seemed as though at least one had been there recently as well...