
Set the stars on fire(1/1 Available)



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
09-21-2018, 04:57 PM
OOC Name:



Sothis Aeris




The last one available above. ;w;


Standing at thirty-three inches in height Sothis is not the biggest nor the smallest wolf out there. In fact he’s rather average and when he’s born his figure will be rather average as well. Through training and discipline, as well as general aging, he will begin to take on a more fit physique with some slightly sharper features particularly on his face. His coat will also begin to fluff out as well, particularly along his ruff and his tail. Sothis will be the sort to get a second look from others via especially since his soft, well kept coat is abnormal in coloration.

The first color one might take notice of when they look at Sothis is the deep and rich red that colors his sides, neck, and front legs. The color touches his face somewhat as well though it is obscured by the orange and yellow that makes up his blaze. Orange and yellow touches the lower part of his chest, belly, and socks upon his front legs as well. Then his colors darken, becoming a deep reddish-black that covers his dorsal half and drops back over his rear and hide legs. The color dips down his long flowing tail as well. Upon his back legs are streaks of blue socks that run up towards the back of the legs and white speckling, almost like stars, is littered across his coat.

Sothis’ left eye is not as interesting as his coat though. It is a rich blue and deep as the ocean itself. His right eye, however, is a bit more interesting. It has the same dark blue as the left, sure, but then it as a ring of yellow from his mother’s eye around the pupil that blends into the blue. His nose and paw pads are a deep black, a common color on wolves, and his tongue is normal coloration as well.


Sothis as a young man will begin to show the kindness in his heart. Naivety, as is common in young pups, will be evident in him during the first season or two of his life. Even from a young age however Sothis will take on a more chivalrous nature -- one that follows a strict code of honor. He will be hesitant to tell a lie, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem. He would also never attack one who is defenseless or refuses to fight; a trait that will stick with him as he gets older.

That being said Sothis does have a tendency to be quick to act and get involved in a situation. He is one ready to defend those not able or willing to defend themselves. Sothis tends to be rather gentle when things don’t involve fighting. He is understand and compassionate though he can be a bit bad with certain feelings. For example, when a female is sobbing her eyes out the male can be at a loss of what to do, awkwardly trying to comfort her.

Overall he tends to be a lawful good sort of character, respecting life and being merciful even to his enemies unless they commit a sin too great to ignore. He’ll also be a family man, both staying close to the family that raised him and being protective of whomever he chooses as a mate.

RP Sample:

It was a warm day that bordered on hot.

Spring was heading out the door and summer was on it’s way bringing with it the promise of good hunting. For Sothis it was a new season to keep up his training, working to keep himself sharp and looking good. He might have been vain, to a degree, but the man found it a waste to his genetics to let his coat stay messed up and dirty. To him keeping himself looking presentable said a bit more about his personality. Besides, who was going to make friends with someone who looked like they just went through a storm and barely crawled out of it alive?

Sothis took a small breath, ears twitching as he looked over the land where his family currently lived. He was slowly becoming set in his ways -- waking up and working on bettering himself was a normal day. But spending time with his family was equally important, and making sure that his siblings were happy. The young man allowed a small smile to cross onto his face. As long as his family was okay it didn’t matter what things he did, he thought to himself.

A sound nearby caused the young man to jump. He turned towards it, ears perked to catch any sort of sound.

That was when he heard the crying.

What Sothis found was a pup, younger than himself. He frowned, furrowing his brow as he approached the little creature.

“Uh… hey there little one…” He had never been good with strong emotions like this. He lowered himself to the ground, ears tilted back against his skull. “It’s alright… shh… uh.. Hey…”

The pup just kept wailing, saying something that Sothis couldn’t make out through it’s cries. The young man looked around helplessly. He felt bad for the pup… but he wasn’t sure how to help.

What could he do?

This pup needed help… but could he provide it?

Can You afford the passes needed?:

Pup pass yes, character pass not at this time. :c