
Another day



10 Years
09-21-2018, 08:06 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2018, 08:06 PM by Ara.)

Ara hadn't expected to see anyone else out here so early. Of course, the valley wasn't an ideal place to make a den - as far as she knew, most wolves slept somewhere in the comfort of the Whistling Willows - and since she'd risen early today she expected most Lirim wolves might still be asleep. Not that company wasn't appreciated; no, Ara was interested in (eventually) getting to know her packmates, and soon she planned to call a training session for the youngest wolves in the pack, and anyone else interested in the most basics of healing. Perhaps today she could collect some herbs that might be useful for such a meeting. She knew agrimony grew plentifully here, and she could already smell the familiar scent of lavender lingering in the air as she began her descent into the valley.

Something unrelated to the plants that grew here caught her attention. From the corner of her eye she saw the silhouette of someone at the edge of the valley, not too far off from her. Though he wasn't immediately familiar, she recognized his scent faintly as belonging to Lirim as a breeze brought a whiff of toward her. A gentle smile painted her features as the woman slowly turned to get a better look at who had accidentally joined her. Well, she had to guess it was an accident, since he didn't seem to notice her immediately. Not wanting to be rude, Ara announced her presence with a soft clearing of her throat, before loping toward him - back up the slope of the valley, only in his direction this time. "Good morning," she called out, her voice gentle as she got a better look at him. He must've been somewhat close to her age, though somehow his appearance told that his life had been much harder than hers, at least physically. Empathy shone in her blue eyes as she approached, chest heaving slightly from the slight climb. "You're from Lirim too, right?" She hoped he might want some company, though would gladly leave him be if he didn't.