
When She Loved Me

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-21-2018, 08:18 PM

"We’re almost there, Mother."

Rhyme looked back sadly at the she wolf that stumbled along beside him. Blind with a silver muzzle and sloped back, Rhythm was a far cry from the beautiful creature she had once been. Life had taken a hard turn for her and her son, but now things would be well again. Rhyme felt himself smile as the once familiar scents of home filled his senses. He could see them doing his mother good as well, her lips turned up in a smile and he could see a slight spring in her step. So many years had passed since she smiled.

Not long after he and Rhys had turned a year old tragedy had struck. A band of wandering slave traders had come upon Rhythm and himself. Though they both considered themselves fighters with odds 5:1 they had no chance. Rhythm had been blinded in the experience, and once she had been forced to the ground Rhyme could no longer do anything. He was unable to even call out to his father or sister, knowing both would have given their lives to save the both of them. They were forced to travel far away from the place he had been born, used as labor to the rulers of the slavers.

Both wolves were riddled with neglect, Rhythm’s coat was no longer full and shiny, she was patchy and dull. Rhyme was no better off, but he was younger and recovered soon after they had made their escape. He still tried to decide how they had even pulled it off. He found himself looking over his shoulder every few miles, sure they had been followed. But now, as they approached the place where his life began he had hope.

The pack was gone, there was no more meticulously kept border. Rhyme felt a hole in his stomach as he realized his family was gone. He again looked to Rhythm’s once brilliant eyes, looking for reassurance that was not there. Their pace was already slow due to Rhythm’s uncertainty of her feet, but now that they crossed the old border Rhyme would slow down even further. He lifted his head to put his nose to the breeze, and hoped that it really was his father’s scent he recognized. His hope had been crushed so many times Rhyme didn’t even want to believe he could see his father again.

Rhythm stopped beside him, nuzzling her nose into his slate colored fur. Rhyme returned the affection, trying to be the strong one for his aged mother. "We’re here. We’re home now." He dared not think about the old den, about his beloved sister and their half siblings. About his aunt Motif and cousin Shaye. Were any of them still here? Still alive? He sucked in his breath, debating for one last moment if he would be let down again. Having nothing left to lose Rhyme finally tilted his head back, starting softly but building with confidence he let out a long sorrowful howl. Everything he’d lost, everything he still had, were to be heard in his sad song. He begged the universe to give him one thing, he wanted for Rhythm to see Valentine one last time at least. He had been studying with her when their ‘masters’ had given him the time, having worked his healing for them as well. Rhyme could tell her time was near, but she was home now. The familiar air seemed to give her strength, and Rhyme had hope she could hold on a little bit longer.