
[Nova and Makani]Theres no other choice


09-22-2018, 11:05 PM
Nova gave a small nod as Daemon spoke, her words soft as she spoke again. “It is something I won’t be making the mistake of again, I assure you.” The pastel female felt comfort when Dae held her like this. She might have been worried about what the future held… but she was also hoping that things were going to change for the better. The thought that she’d soon be meeting Makani, her husband’s sister, worried her too. Would she seem weak to the other woman? A disappointment? Probably. Nova couldn’t help that churning feeling in her gut, worry about being rejected and even hated as a second wife of the man she was with.

She glanced down at the piglet and shook her head, giving a soft whine. “I’m not very hungry…” Her worries had been affecting her appetite as well. Daemon’s closeness had been reassuring but there were still doubts in her mind. Doubts that he might find another wife that he loved so much more than her that he might cast Nova aside… She was so scared of being alone. There was of course the option of searching for her family… but what if she ran into her sire before all was said and done? What if he hurt her like before? She shivered a little with ears lowering.

“I’ll try and eat soon though. I promise.” It wouldn’t be good to just not eat. She needed her strength. Especially if she was going to be a good mate to Dae and eventually bear him a litter of children.

...and then there was another woman approaching them. Her coat was similar enough to Daemon’s to guess she was his sister. Her eyes suggested this more strongly and her scent sealed the deal. Nova was in awe of her -- she was beautiful.

...and Nova was a freak.

The pale rainbow woman averted her gaze when she noticed that twinge of jealousy within them, swallowing hard. Her instinctive nature was to run back to the den, but she tried her hardest to keep at Daemon’s side. She opened her mouth to speak, lifting her gaze again, only to be met with the hard look Makani was giving her. Nova’s words failed her and the girl gave a soft whine.

So much for hoping her new sister would like her.