


07-09-2013, 01:26 PM

?A poor night for travelers?.

The words interrupted his quiet moment, drawing his head, and he turned looking at the wolf who spoke. Eyes were met with a stranger who looked as if he had gone through hell recently, not that Creedance cared, but for once he felt a flicker of pride at his very clean and well-kept appearance. The massive brute blinked, a smirk growing on his face, as he looked at this intruder. The silence in the air, was thick, almost tangible in the cold night. He would breath, deep and long the air escaping him quietly.

Moments passed, the silence seemingly growing thicker to him. Finally he would speak, taking care to try to control the conversation. ?It would seem so. ? His reply was clipped, uninterested in persuing the conversation further. He looked away from the other wolf with a dismissive flick of his ears, and he stood, turning to face away from his stranger, though he was listening intently to any movement he would make. Creedance would not be caught unaware.

In passing, his head would turn, and jaws would part- words flowing seamlessly from them, his breath billowing around him in the icy night. ?What brings someone of your age out here on a cold night? Surely you belong with a mate in a cozy little den?? His tone was light, conversational-like though there was an obvious edge to it. A dark feeling spread in his gut, something wasn?t right about this. He kept his appearance at the stranger impassive, though he couldn?t fight the feeling that taken over his gut, a feeling that screamed at him to turn around and face this stranger.

Creedance wasn?t a stranger to situations that could go from peaceful to deadly in less than a second, that didn?t mean he was foolish enough to seek them out. The devil did not fear death, no, but he did not welcome it would open paws either. Muscles tensed themselves under his alabaster coat, and a sigh escaped him. He wondered if this stranger would merely go on his way, or would he be sucked into some version of a fight tonight?

ooc:short post is crappy post. ;_;