
Never Going Back Again



10 Years
09-24-2018, 08:11 AM
A heavy sigh filtered through Novel’s lips as her old eyes observed the slowly wandering waters at her feet. The magic of the glittering water not lost on the she wolf as she let nostalgia rush over her. She felt closer to Ara in that moment than she had in years, so much so the scent of her once mate washed over her. Novel knew it had to be in her mind, and she accepted the trick of the mind. At least until Elohim jumped and a moment after the sound of her name on the air. She almost attributed the too sweet sound to illusion, but as her ears fell to her head and she turned slowly she knew it to be all too real.

In her younger days she might have turned to rush towards Ara, her one and only, but now with the guilt having eaten at her for years she found she couldn’t even move. Bright blue eyes rested on the one she had abandoned and her form froze. Tears welled up within that same gaze as Elohim slipped from her back and drew more near to Novel’s other half. She had been so incomplete, and now..

Ara looked just as beautiful as she remembered, but older and more dignified now. Not that the years hadn’t taken their toll upon her as well. Tears began to spill over Novel’s cheeks and her breath became more difficult. Still hardly able to believe her own eyes she was finally able to lift herself from the bank and take a tentative step forward.

”Ara..” She started, losing her voice as she tried to find words to explain herself. Of course she couldn’t begin to, so instead she would offer the apology Ara deserved. Novel knew she didn’t deserve forgiveness though. ”I’m so sorry.” Her voice was a whisper as she reigned in the urge to run to Ara’s side. She wanted so much to bury her face into her soft fur like she used to, to find comfort from the regret that held her in its grasp.
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