
Let's Kill Batman [MEETING]



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
09-24-2018, 10:20 AM
The pack was quick to reply; many members voicing their concerns about the vision, their willingness to help with the move, and their desire to find their place in the pack. He looked at each member as they spoke – smiling at Proserpina as she thanked him – and considered their words carefully. Malleus waited until everyone was done speaking before he replied.

His gaze snapped to Apollo. His uncle was a capable man; strong of mind, thoughtful and devoted to the Fallen God. Malleus could think of no better wolf to take care of Razi's brood short of Razi herself. Apollo wouldn't coddle them and Malleus had no doubt he would mold them into valued members of society. Malleus nodded his approval. "It's settled, then." To Seiran and Shilah, he said, "Apollo is your uncle. He'll look after you and you'll do as he says until your mother returns." He left no room for dissent. Because he was taking on the bulk of the responsibility, Apollo would make most of the decisions when it came to his young charges. If they behaved in an un-Abraxas way or were found to have some other defect, Malleus trusted that Apollo wouldn't hesitate to fulfill his obligations to his people.

As for the move... Malleus liked the idea of sleds. "I think sleds are a good idea and I'd prefer to move sooner." He'd only decided to wait because of the young pups. "Apollo, Aaliyah, you two will be in charge of making the sleds. Feel free to recruit as many helpers as you see fit and Pascal here," he motioned to his companion. "Can help if you have need of his hands." He thought about it some more before turning his attention to Serene. "You may go to the shrine after preparations have been made for the move. I'd like to see your stores moved with us and any plants from your garden that you think will survive the journey." He knew she'd put a lot work into both and it would be a waste to leave it all behind. "Azazel? Kasdeya? When the time comes please help Serene gather and prepare her things for the move. We will be moving..." he paused to consider the best date. "On the next full moon." That would give them a few weeks to prepare. "Everyone else, gather your things and prepare to leave. Help those that need it. We'll decide who pulls the sleds when the time comes."

"As for those choosing to stay with us, you are all welcome additions to the pack. Typhon, I think you working with Proserpina is a good idea." To the pups who all piped up asking for ranks, he said with a smile, "Once we reach our new home I'll give you all mentors in your chosen fields, alright? How does that sound?" Most were far too young to hold any kind of position, but it was never too early to get them started. If they were old enough to already have an idea of what they wanted to be when they grew up, they were old enough to begin working in that direction.

Malleus swept a quick look across those gathered to make sure he wasn't leaving anyone out, which was easy to do under the deluge of responses. "I think that does it for today. If I've neglected to address something feel free to see me afterwards. You're all dismissed!"

OOC: I think that covers everything! Let me know if I've missed something that needs to be addressed! We'll be moving officially on October 1. Now's a great opportunity to get skill points by making/gathering things and interacting with packmates – this is optional, but participating would help your character reach their rank goal sooner ;D

  "Malleus" - "Pascal"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.