
Intruder Alert



3 Years
Extra large
09-24-2018, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2018, 01:03 PM by Asharya.)

Asharya was understandably thrilled to be back amongst her old haunts. More of her youth was spent in the canyonlands, sure, but that didn't mean she wasn't just as fond of her uncle's lands. Well not his any longer, but the distinction was lost on her. She didn't really care as long as no one was going to try and run her off. Or you know, as long as it wasn't one of her batshit insane relatives either. Barring those two scenarios, she would be happy as a clam!

So happy in fact, that she had run a bit ahead of Ashiel in her exuberance. He might have been right behind her for all she knew, but was so excited to meet the new little hellions that she figured he'd catch up when he caught up. It never occurred to her that a strange face appearing suddenly without warning might be alarming to the pups, let alone whoever their mother was. Eh, she would cross that log when she came to it.

A bark off in the distance made her slow from a lope to a walk. Muffled, just on the edge of hearing, a familiar voice could be heard saying, "There's an...- come..-!!" She was nearly there, then! Who was that, anyways? Malleus? Her cousin sounded intent on something, but she hadn't been able to hear his exact words. Asha chuckled, remembering exactly how much trouble she and Ashiel had gotten up to, so who knew what mischief he was enduring from the pups. Blissfully ignorant of the hellfire and brimstone that would soon rain down upon her, Asharya approached the dens with her tail held high. Ah, what a fool she was...

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox