
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
09-24-2018, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2018, 06:57 PM by Philomena.)


OOC Name: Keno

Character Name: Theophylaktos

Design: Bottom Left


Theophylaktos is tall though he has a rather average amount of muscle. He stands at thirty-eight inches and has a more slender form and a healthy weight. He has a few scars underneath his coat, though a small chunk is missing out of his right ear. His a slender and thoughtful muscle, deemed to be slightly handsome. His fur is slightly more fluffy than average but has a bit of a rougher texture rather than a soft one.

Theo’s coat is a deep rich brown at the base. Darker brown swirls in along his dorsal half as well as along his thighs and down his legs. This darker brown travels down his tail and caps his forepaws as well. His underside is tan as well and so is his lower jaw. Finally specks of red-orange and yellow fleck throughout his coat from his face down to his flank. Around his left eye is a floral-esc pattern of these colors, however, accenting the red hues of his eyes.


Theophylaktos is a man who has been a hardworking individual from a young age. This was the beginning of the man being set in his ways. He takes great pride in the work he does, is self-motivated, and believes that all wolves should be able to carry their own weight even from under the age of one. While he is primarily a warrior, a low ranking officer in the military, he also dabbled in the crafting arts for a period of time. He fights only when he has to, a bit more merciful and honorable in battle than some of his fellow southerners. When things are deemed necessary, however, he’d kill to protect those that remain of his pack and his family.

While tough Theo is not unkind. He can be a fatherly figure to some and encourages others to be the best they can be. He wants to see others succeed and see that flame of ambition burning brightly within them. He works well as both a member of a team and an individual though he is not usually vocal. His opinions, and his thoughts, are known only by those closest to him… primarily his daughter Agathangelos. He also tends to avoid larger groups unless it is necessary and will rarely speak up in crowds… he prefers a small group of two or three wolves in his company or better yet, a one on one session.

Theophylaktos does not lie; he is an honest man and even if it hurts him to tell the truth he’ll do so anyway. He is generally caring, even if he doesn’t always show it on the surface. He can keep a calm and collective appearance even if he is angry, preferring to act wisely without letting his emotions rule him. He is someone that can be relied on once you gain his trust and loyalty, a friend till the end, and is someone who would die for his loved ones without a second thought. He knows he’s not invincible but that doesn’t mean that Theo won’t put in one hundred percent into anything he does; there are not many second chances in life after all. It’s live life to the fullest or die with regrets.

When it comes to political things and drama among the people, or even royal family, Theophylaktos prefers to let his leader show him what the right path is. He may not always agree with the choices but he follows them blindly. He values the organization and safety a pack provided and yearns to be part of a pack under Mars again. To Theo it doesn’t matter if things are deemed right or wrong by others in regards to the culture of the southern pack… for Theophylaktos it is all he has known and was the culture he grew up on. He is not the sort to argue religion and culture either; if you don’t agree with his then fine. You don’t have to… but don’t try and shove yours down his throat.


Lawful Neutral

Pack position:

Low Ranking Officer / Warrior and Crafter


Theophylaktos was born to an older couple in the Southern packlands. His father, a high ranking officer in the pack, was wounded in battle at a border skirmish and died from infection when the boy was about four months old. Times truly began to get hard then for the young one and his mother. She struggled to feed them both and, seeing her hardship, the young one took up an apprenticeship as a blacksmith to help her.

Even then things were tough. For two months the two fought for survival, Theo growing thin as he gave what little he had to his mother more often than not. Still the woman grew weak. A broken heart and a weak body betrayed her and she passed when Theo was barely half a year old.

Still Theophylaktos did not give up. He worked harder than before, soon enlisting into the military. He was young and they were sure the training would break him… but it didn't. The quiet male grew stronger and, despite his size, proved himself capable on the field of battle.

By the time Theophylaktos was two he’d achieved a low ranking officer position. It was around this time of sexual maturity he began looking to others and fell for Mars. The other male was striking and strong -- what was there not to like? But alas there was a problem; An insistent women who demanded they be wed.

Eventually Theo relented. The two were together a short time before his wife gave birth to two children, dying in the process. Unsure if either child was really his Theophylaktos named them. Agathangelos for the girl and Driscoll for the boy. He cared for them as his own regardless, falling for his daughter’s outgoing nature and nurturing his shier son.

Driscoll disappeared one night when he was six months leaving Theophylaktos distraught. He searched for his son but was unable to locate him, unsure if he was alive or dead.

Later, as the era of peace began Theo felt a bitterness in his heart. How could this Northern woman manage to get what he could not? He cared little for her but said even less; it was not his place. By the time the scandal went down Theophylaktos wasn't sure what to make of their kingdom anymore -- let alone the heirs. He didn't hate them necessarily… but he didn't have a strong opinion either. His mindset was merely to go with what Mars said.

When shit hit the fan, however, Theophylaktos fled towards Boreas with his daughter and prayed to the fire God himself that all would work out. He had a content life before… but what would come of it now?

RP Sample:

Morning light hit the Earth as Theophylaktos left his quarters. He was not on dawn patrol this morning but the man felt restless as an uneasy feeling shifted in his stomach. Driscoll had been gone for a couple days now… and the man had searched everywhere in the Southern territory for his son. Theo wasn’t sure what became of him… had he been slain by some creature with darkness in their heart? The man let a sigh pass his lips… he might not ever know the truth. Time waited for no one -- his duties as an officer and a father to his remaining child had to come first now. If he found Driscoll he’d of course make sure his son was well cared for… but he couldn’t detour away from his path in life.

As the sun rose of the desert-like lands Theophylaktos made the rounds he would usually make when on patrol. He was quiet the whole while and his ears twitched thoughtfully every so often. Things had been quiet since the era of peace began… but Theophylaktos wasn’t so sure that danger didn’t lurk outside their borders. Whether it would come from Northern wolves that broke the peace, as some of the Southerners believed, he didn’t know. But Theo knew that he would be ready. His daughter would be raised the same way; expect the worst and hope for the best.

“Daddy?” The inquisitive voice of his daughter caught the attention of the man suddenly and Theophylaktos turned his head in the direction of his daughter; one of the only wolves who had managed to sneak up on him.

“Aggy… how long have you been following me, my dear?”

The fiery child sat on the earth and beamed up at her father. “A while~” The young one said proudly. “I wanted to help you on your patrol. You take a lot of them alone… even though you don’t have to.” Agathangelos frowned all of a sudden and her voice grew quiet.

“Daddy? Are we going to see Driscoll again?”

Theophylaktos felt his heart clench in his chest. He wanted desperately to tell his little girl that Driscoll would be home before the sun set that evening… but he didn’t know if they would see him again. Ever. The man lowered himself down so that he was eye level with his daughter and spoke softly.

“Mars is watching over him, Aggy. I don’t know when we’ll see your brother again, or if we will, but we’ve got to keep our faith strong.” The man gave her a lick between her ears. “But for now… what do you say to helping me finish this patrol around the shopping district?”

Agathangelos’ smile returned.



Crush on Mars:: Because who doesn’t love some sort of inner conflict and drama? Looking to your leader is common for many… but what if you find him attractive? What if you’re jealous of the wives and children he had? What if you want to be with him? And being a guy… will he even accept you? You had a wife and have a daughter… would that be betraying them? Will you tell your leader regardless? Someday… Someday.

Allegiance:: This is a plot that will develop ICly. Will Theo believe Ig or his brother is the rightful ruler? Currently he is uncertain, too focused on his crush on Mars. It is likely he will be swayed by whatever Mars’ decision is… but what if there is something that makes him think twice? What if he presents this case to Mars to try and help bring the truth to light? Perhaps this decision is swayed by his daughter {or Driscoll, should someone choose to adopt him}? Could be an interesting thing to play with, especially if Aggy decides to side with Ig!


Make drama to be honest. Either in the fact Mars is not interested in him / not gay or allying himself with Agathangelos {?} and Ig. Use this boyo to get my activity up, hurr.

  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!