
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



10 Years
Extra large
09-24-2018, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2018, 10:14 PM by Lirika.)
OOC Name: Denny!
Character Name: Saturn
Design: top right (P.s. I 100% headcanon the bottom right design as his brother Mercury)
39" - Light build
Build: Delicate and effeminate. A "pretty boy" through and through. Slender limbs and delicate paws, long and narrow toes perfect for stepping gingerly over smouldering coals. A narrow chest and trim waist, deceptively feminine. His legs seem to stretch infinitely long, each delicious inch a thing to admire. Though he is a delicate looking creature, a porcelain doll meant to be admired, dense muscles ripple over his form. He is lithe and athletic, and impossibly nimble.
Facial features: His face is as slim as the rest of him. Though it is softer than most males in the kingdom, whose features are long since hardened by war. Eyes like a doe, framed by long lashes. Tall ears and softly sculpted cheekbones. The fur around his cheeks is downy and soft, highlighting his features and drawing the gaze to his eyes. A jawline sharp as glass, but nowhere near as frail. His muzzle is slim and long- more like a fox than a wolf. Those eyes of his, like sunlit whiskey, are framed by thick lashes.
Coat: Thin, silken tresses tumble from his topline. There's a faint curl to them, turning into loose waves as they travel down his flanks. However, it only adds to the marvel of his markings. A soot toned base color washes over his form. Golden ichor drips along his sides from his spine, sparks of pallid fire crackling over his body. Glowing embers mark up his form, along his thighs and underbelly. His forelimbs are wreathed in scorching flames, soft golden light tendrils that snake around his wrists and the ankle of his right hind limb. His muzzle is painted with the same tendrils, though they seem to overlay a more solid golden hue that his muzzle has been dipped in. A few flecks of light trail beneath his cheekbones and into the downy fur of his cheeks. Along his spine and covering his tail, the appearance of backlit smoke- the faintest lightening of charcoal into something tinted golden.
Voice: Rich and smooth, like melted chocolate. It's a little deeper than one would expect from such a delicate male. His tongue curls around a foreign accent, which is the only remnant of an ancient culture his mother passed on.
Posture: Calm and self assured, he moves with the gentle sway of someone who is well acquainted with his body. He is unmistakably a dancer, just by watching him move about.
Scent: Smoke and copper.
Eyes: The incandescent beauty of early dawn light shining through the drapes. Whiskey in the afternoon on an autumn day.
Scarring: His paws are brutalized. Ropy scars cover his pawpads and the sides of his toes from his time learning to fire dance.

Conniving: First and foremost, Saturn will do whatever needs to be done to achieve his goals. Lying, cheating, and stealing are prominent in his repertoire. Had he been of noble birth, he would have been a spy. Talented in earning trust, he can worm his way into anyone's heart- or bed. He holds his cards close, and its rare for someone outside of his family to truly know him.
Observant: Though he seems quiet, and plays dumb- just a pretty little thing that fades into the background, he is anything but. He saw much of what went on in the kingdom, especially during his time as a streetwalker. Things that might be glossed over by others, he paid attention to. The vacant look in his eyes is just for show. He picks up on little details, and tends to file them away for later use. He is a quick study, and can pick up on new things with surprising speed. Saturn is one to turn to for secrets of the world, or of the wolves around him.
Promiscuous: A perfect candidate for his trade. He loves sex, and wouldn't give it up for the world. He spends much time in the intimate company of others, especially if they offer him something in return. Flirtations roll readily off his tongue, easy as breathing. He tends to be very physical without realizing it. Soft caresses, the brush of shoulders, or the gentle bump against someone's hip are part of his very being.
Family Oriented: His family, as small and unimportant as it may seem to observers, are more important than anything in the world. To threaten his family is to incur his wrath, even for the tiniest of infractions. He would readily die if it meant that his siblings and mother would be safe. All that he does, is done to ensure their safety and survival. His own happiness is merely a coincidence, and entirely optional. He spends most of his time around them, helping his mother and sister with their craft, or cleaning.
Icy rage: Though he is a desert creature, his rage is something that freezes the heart within another's breast. Shuttered gazes and curled upper lips. He is fond of the silent treatment, and internalizing his anger. Rather than exploding with fury, he turns his emotions into something dangerous. Plots and schemes, intended to tear someone's life apart or destroy whatever they hold dear.
Attention Starved: His mother's frequent absence during his childhood left a gaping hole in him, aching to be filled with love. He doesn't hold anything against his mother- he knows she was doing what needed to be done to keep three children alive. Even during the time of peace, the lower class still suffered. This is part of the reason he continues to live as he does. He loves the time spent with others, after all is said and done, talking about inane things and learning things about everyone he meets. He didn't have close friends in the kingdom, only those who he knew he could spend time with. No one who knew him inside and out- and he desperately wants that.
Dedicated: Saturn will get. shit. done. Once he has set his mind to something, he sees it through. Whether it's closing up a hole in the wall in his family home, or making sure a companion is home safe, he will ensure it. This male isn't one to abandon anything. This is likely a result of being forced to care for himself from a young age- he knows only himself to be trustworthy.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Pack position: Concubine and fire dancer

In a crude little hovel in the poorest part of the kingdom, a low born woman without a spec of fire in her coat heaved through a gruelling labour. It was through nothing but her own burning rage that kept her from losing this battle against the children that struggled to be born. The king had courted her in secret, promised her his devotion. However, once she fell pregnant, he abandoned her. Replaced her. That northern woman, with the snow in her pelt and her chilly grace. They called him a hero, a bringer of peace to the lands which had so long been at war. Fools. He was as loathesome as any soldier during a night in the red district.

It was with spite that she named them, the three living pups that had been forced into this cruel world. Mercury, for the firstborn who already showed the fierceness of his father as he suckled at her breast. His pelt was as brilliant as his father's. Venus, for the soot patterned little girl. She had the misfortune of her mother, and would never be as eye catching as the pretty high born girls. The last was Saturn, who wore embers in his coal dark pelt.

It took only a few days of nursing them that she found herself enamoured, and promised them all of the love in her heart.

They grew up hungry. Their mother could rarely bring home enough to feed them. She was a crafter by trade, one of the many smiths in the kingdom who knew the art of metallurgy. Her patron, Hephaestos, watched on from a shrine above the smith day after day. It was his eyes that watched the children as they grew, when their mother could not. She could only hunt for short periods, running out of the house in the early morning before the children could awake, and late in the evening when her shop was closed. Thus, on days where she couldn't leave the shop she would be forced to haggle with the meat dealers that lined the streets of the city. Their prices were unreasonable, and they were always paid in full. Food was worth more than anything else, with three children at home. Worth more than good ore for her smith, or offerings to Hephaestos.

The shrine to Mars had been covered before the children could open their eyes. Never destroyed- that would be blasphemy, and could incur the god's ire. They never prayed to him, or offered him tribute. Not after his blessed son, who had taken his name, had betrayed Lohgi.

As they grew, they learned of their father's treachery. How he had betrayed their mother. It was no secret who had sired them, not with the burning flames that were emblazoned across Mercury's body, or decorated Saturn. They resented him in secret, never daring speak a word out loud.

It was only when they reached a year of age that their mother cut them loose. They could stay in their childhood home if they helped out. Mercury enlisted in the army, spending each day in gruelling training to bring home a measly soldier's pay, and loving every minute of it. His father certainly knew who he was, though never showed it. Venus learned her mother's trade, spending hours over the hot coals forging knives and repairing armour. Saturn? He had grown into a willowy, waifish little thing. Hooting voices in the shadows of the alleys and crude comments made in passing laid it out for him. Before he was even old enough to work in the brothels, he sold himself on the streets. Once the sun set, others were more than happy to pay for his young, immature body. Every morning when he returned home, he left a few gold pieces on Hephaestos' altar- payment for keeping him safe all this time.

As time went on, he built up a reputation. Caught the eyes of men who served the king. He began to offer his services to officers, not just their soldiers. They gave him roles in fire dances at celebrations, where he soared elegantly over hot coals long into the night. His sire was there, watching silently, always. He never said a word. Saturn's mother would soak his burned paws in cool poultices in the early morning, and wrap them in bandages during the day- the only times he was allowed to rest without comment from his family. He became known more for his grace on the coal beds than for his skills as a concubine. An elaborate costume of jangling bracelets and nearly-transparent scarves adorned him when he stepped out onto the coal beds. Never singed or tarnished.

By the time he reached his second year of life, he found himself tucked away in a small room of the castle at night. If Mars was aware of his presence, he neither acknowledged it nor cared. Lavish throws and plush cushions decorated his quarters, and served as a place for him to do as he was bid. He found, in his maturity, that he more than enjoyed the work. Especially the gifts. The pay of a councilor to the king was more than the soldiers he tended to service, and they brought him lavish foods or shiny trinkets some nights. He learned the gossip that an enemy spy would die to hear, and soothed the minds of officers during war times.

When the treason of the heirs broke out, Saturn was still with his family. During the day he always helped clean up the family home, and spent much time planning on ways to repair and improve it. As one of the many old human settlements, many sections of wall were caved in, and a fierce cold blew in during desert nights. When the explosion shook the city, Mercury came hurtling through the streets, having abandoned his post to ensure his family's survival. It was him who ushered them out of the city, and into the tidal wave of wolves fleeing the lands.

RP Sample:
He awoke to the soft sound of his mother and sister tinkering about in the forge. Sunlight streamed through the gaping hole in the stone wall of their family home, and a cool breeze rippled through the sheet that had been laid over the hole. The night before was no more than a blur in his mind, jumbled images of hot coals and the starry sky above him. Raucous cheering and the faintest sizzle of his own flesh. At the heart of it all, his mother tenderly laying rags soaked in their precious allocated water over his feet at the end of it all. The sensation had dulled to a steady throbbing in his pads, which were wrapped up in stinky herbs. If he didn't love his mother so much, he might snap at her for forcing him to soak his paws in something that smelled so foul.

Oh so carefully, Saturn rolled onto his side. Every time he danced, it hurt. But oh how he loved it. The pain didn't matter, not with the rush he felt every time he saw that broad bed of coals. It took a little while to get to his feet, and longer yet to descend the rickety, ancient stairs. "Mama? Venus?" he called out. Mercury wouldn't be home. He was scheduled for some border patrols until some time in the afternoon. He lowered his snout into the bucket of water, freshly drawn from the well. Only a few sips. If his mother or Venus burned themselves in the forge, which happened rather frequently, they would need some to soothe the wound. Not to mention, when Mercury returned he would be dehydrated after a long day in the desert sun.

"We're working on an order for that captain you referred to us, there's some dried meat out for you!" his mother shouted above the din of her work. He grunted wordlessly, satisfied with her reply. Looked like it was up to him this morning. He wandered into their tiny cellar, tucked into the back of the house where the sun couldn't reach. Sure enough, there were a few portions of dried meat left where he could see them. Nosing them from their shelf, he carefully clenched them in his teeth. A nice meal in bed was just what he needed this morning.

Apparently, the parts of the meat that seemed like they were just flaking outward from where they were cut, were in fact legs. Today's ration of meat was just a few lizards. Not his favourite by any means, but when he returned to his post at the castle he was sure someone would treat him to something more savoury. They always did. He spent a few hours working away at the lizards, until he couldn't justify lazing about anymore. The sun was nearly up, and it was time to get some work done. Heaving himself to his paws, he ignored the sharp pain that raced up his legs. That wall wasn't going to repair itself.

The ground began to shake as soon as the first brick was laid. "Oh, come on!" he cried out, shaking his head. Of course, an earthquake would decide to happen as soon as he set to work today. He hadn't been able to set any mortar in place yet, so the brick simply tumbled to the ground two stories below. He watched it land and promptly disintegrate with the deadened look of a man who had had enough. Sighing, he dropped onto his bed and waited for the tremors to cease.

"Mama! Venus! Saturn! We need to go! Hurry!"

It was Mercury. He wasn't supposed to be home for hours.

"Run! One of the old relics is coming back to life, it's already taken one of the villages on the border!" his brother screamed.


Leaping to his feet, Saturn grabbed his costume. Wrapping the bangles and bells hastily in his silks, he grabbed the bundle in his jaws and rushed down the stairs. He didn't feel the pain in his feet anymore. He saw his mother and Venus stumbling out the door, with Mercury herding them towards the gates of the city. There wasn't time to think, just to run. He could see something massive on the horizon. A great cloud looming high in the sky. Keeping his mother and sister in front of him, he raced along at his brothers side. As long as they stayed together, they would be fine. Right?
Plots: be a slut. Do some dancin'. Have the sexytimes. Make some friends. Seduce people? Break hearts? Idk
.:I would love to see him get in touch with his half siblings (especially now that they're raising the kingdom again) and see how that goes down
.:Let him use his ~skills~ (aka bein' a ho and a seductive lil shit) to win over some allies for the kingdom? idk he'd probably use those powers for evil tbh, and get himself a small army of devoted wolves with major crushes on him
.:I really wanna see how this whole thing plays out, plots are hard when I have such a vague idea of what I could do with a character xD

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