
Law of The Jungle

Atlas I


8 Years
Large species

The Ooze Participant
09-25-2018, 01:39 AM
Since he hadn't seen much if any of his smaller companions recently, Atlas had taken it as an opportunity to go out and do more exploring like he'd planned weeks ago but never gotten to. He'd swam to shore the previous evening and spent some time perusing the shoreline the next morning and found disappointingly little in the way of vegetation. Forced to wander inland, he began following his nose to fresh water, glad to find a place to drink as the heat of midday approached and warmed his thick pelt.

His gait was a slow, meandering walk, giving him time to study and enjoy the scenery for a while. He'd passed through this area, but Atlas was always interested in seeing if he might notice new details in a place. He'd recently found places on his island home that he hadn't discovered previously. The island was smaller, so it made sense that there was even more to glean from the rest of the continent. When his multicolored eyes settled on the lake ahead he quickened his stride, moving straight into the water first to drink, and then to begin ripping large clumps of the reeds out from the shoreline and devouring them with a contented sigh.

He did notice the lone wolf's scent before he caught sight of her briefly, but for the moment he was rather enjoying the veritable feast before him and was happy to remain quite and allow himself to keep eating just a bit longer.