
I've got a jar of dirt!

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-25-2018, 02:20 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2018, 05:20 AM by Shaye I.)

Intend on her objective, she didn't immediately notice when another creature joined the party. The lake was huge, and she didn't hear his movement across the other side of it. Her eyes where only for the jar. Evening bugs, enticed by the scent of honey, buzzed about her jar. A few got stuck in the sticky sap, and her bait would complete itself.

As the evening wore on, fireflies buzzed about her still body, casting a glow across the lake and glistening across the silvers on that highlighted her dark-coated body. At last, a few, curious, landed on her jar.
The wolf crept closer.
They began to feast on the bugs trapped there. Shaye reached the jar, lid in her mouth, and lunged. The fireflies took off in the air, fluttering away. Her mouth and stopper landed over empty jar, and she let out a frustrated noise, mixed between a soft howl and a growl. The light if the fireflies near her went out, and most fluttered away from her.

Watching their ascent through the air, her eyes moved over the lake, and caught the creature that stood there. Its noble body was boosted by long legs, and a powerful rack of bone adorned its crown. She raised an eyebrow, knowing how easy it would be for the creature to impale her, and was reluctant to hunt such a creature alone.



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