


07-09-2013, 12:02 AM


After seeing all that the North had to offer, Tyberius headed East. He wasn't intending on staying, no, he was going back to Medusa. The serpent queen. She looked as if she were willing to give anyone a chance and he was happy for that. He felt like it gave him the opportunity to pull the wool over her eyes as he did what he loved the most: created chaos. It was too early in the game for him to be doing stunts like that. Tyberius had to gain her trust first. He was still on the fence about what he was thinking of doing. Maybe it wouldn't be worth it to bother the alpha. Maybe he would just stick to pestering his packmates. It would be better than risking everything. Tyberius hadn't completely ruled out the fact that he might end up liking Medusa enough to not lie to her. Fat chance, he thought, although he couldn't know for sure.

His dark nails clicked against the stone, his pads slightly warmed from the sun's heat. It had gone down hours ago but a faint warmth was still left on the rocks, a pleasurable feeling. He came to a stop after a few more steps, looking out over the steppe. The full moon's light gave him more than enough light to see and, so far as he could tell, he was the only wolf there. Sure, there were rabbits and the like, but his hunger had been satisfied earlier in the day. Hunting was hard enough when he was hungry, let alone when he was full, so he tried not to hunt when it wasn't absolutely necessary. That was probably the reason why he was underweight, coupled with the extra strain on his body from his lost leg.

What did it matter? Tyberius was almost sure that he was crazy. He wasn't interested in other wolves, the only thing that mattered was himself. Tiresias was long gone and someone he hardly thought about anymore. He leaned forward, attempting to shift his weight to his front legs rather than his back. It was a quiet night thus far, and an enjoyable one.

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 361 NOTES: none.