
Law of The Jungle


09-25-2018, 09:10 AM

Aspen Wreckage

The feeling of fresh, cool water trickling down her esophagus had Aspen in her own personal heaven others just wouldn't understand. Eyes fluttered close for a moment as she payed close attention to the sensation rolling down her inside, cooling an otherwise baking body. When blue optics opened once more, she was surprised at what exactly had stumbled into her view. A rather large, strangely marked, moose of all things. Normally, wolves would take one look at a moose and think dinner, but Aspen was a lone, peaceful wolf who survived hunting smaller game. But interest was still peaked as she let her eyes engulf the large mammals form, her head slightly tilted. She had never spoken with a moose before... so why not now? What's once more thing to cross off her never ending list of strange adventures? Trying to act as casual as she could, Aspen would offer a small smile and a wave of her tail in greeting as she spoke. "Good afternoon, come to escape the heat as well?" It was a bit of an obvious question, but to be fair, the young charcoal girl was a bit nervous and didn't quite know what else to say to a moose. Her next question surely would have been 'how's the weather up there?'
