
On pins and needles



07-09-2013, 12:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her cheek still tingled in the place that he had kissed her as she quickly and carefully drew each of the porcupine quills from Awaken's face, not giving him a moment to dwell on the pain of one before she set off taking out another. The sooner she got it over with the better, and the less pain overall it would cause him. Better to just have one large ache than many little ones spaced over time. At least to her anyway.

When finally she had finished, he thanked her, and despite both of their admissions of a second ago she found herself feeling even more shy than usual, surprised at her own boldness and quickness to agree to be his. And yet through her surprise, Mercianne felt a strange and comforting certainty. This was a good thing. This was a good wolf. He was a great friend, a constant companion to her even through the bad times, and a wonderful protector to not only her but their pack. She couldn't imagine a more suitable mate and husband than him, and her tail wagged all over again just at the thought. Still, it was Awaken who moved first, and despite her timidity she readily leaned into his nuzzling, her own touch rougher than his. She didn't harbor the same fears that he did of harming his mate; she knew he was strong and could handle much more than merely her.

His gentle, tingling kisses traveled back from her cheek and toward her neck, and Merci felt a dreamy, silly smile slip across her face, her dark eyes closing blissfully as she basked in his attention. Oh, how long she had wished to do this! To be free to cuddle and snuggle with him without feeling as if she was being a nuisance or annoying him with her attention. It would have been so painful to know she was driving him away and causing him any sort of discomfort. But knowing now that he cared for her, making her realize that she felt the same and couldn't possibly have thought of answering him any differently, filled her with joy.

An eager question fell from Awaken's lips then, drawing her eyes open with a few careful blinks. Oh. She had forgotten about that matter. It only made sense, she supposed, that the rest of the pack know of their decision. It was custom as much as it was to let everyone know that they were no longer available. But the thought made her want to press her face back into the protective mess of fur on his neck to hide. Did she really need to have it announced to everyone? Wouldn't it be just fine if Gargoyle alone knew?

"I don't know," she answered gently, though the tail end of her words was cut off by a sudden yelp from Awaken as he fell once again to his stomach. Much the same as last time, Merci took a quick step back, her eyes widening with surprise. It had confused her the last time it had happened, and this time was no different. "Are...are you okay?" she asked him nervously, her ears turning to rest against her head and lower her head closer to his while her eyes searched his face, already wondering if she might need to rush off in search of a plant or something to help him with whatever malady was ailing him.