
Don't leave me here alone



6 Years
09-25-2018, 02:30 PM
Vail found herself quietly relieved as Shaye led them away from their parents old den. The albino has no desire to linger here, there were no bad memories but it didn't feel right. They didn't know what happened to their parents, any number of things could have taken them away. The disappointment of not finding them lay heavy on Vail's heart, but she allowed herself to take comfort in Shaye's presence. The older girl led the way to a new place to make camp for however long they decided to stay on the island. Shaye alluded to a meal, asking the talented tracker to find a meal. If Vail was on her own with Notch she might seek out a squirrel or a rabbit warren, but with Shaye they could go slightly bigger. 

She guessed the flock of turkey still lingered here on the island, and already planned how to find one. "I will." her voice held a confidence her younger self only dreamed of. Many skills had developed within her while on the hermit's mountain. She could track with the best of them. 

With only a flick of her ear she sent Notch into the air, while she scouted the grounds he would be her eyes up above. Finding prey was the easy part, catching it could be difficult. While Shaye prepared their temporary den Vail slipped into the undergrowth. 

She was silent, slinking through the woods like her life depended on it. While she was not too thin Vail didn't do as well after missing meals. The sound of Notch's cry made her stop. He had found something. Vail remained still and silent, waiting for Shaye to catch up to her. She knew the sound of Notch finding prey.
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