
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



3 Years
Extra large
09-25-2018, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2018, 02:37 PM by Asharya.)

OOC Name: Fawksiebaby
Which Adopt?: Ig’s Sibling (Sister)
Name: Sephira

Appearance: An inky black fae overcome by bursts and sparks of color, Sephi’s coat is a marvel to behold. Thick and luxurious, she knows she is beautiful and she isn’t afraid to flaunt it. She is graceful and languid in her movements, often seen walking with her tail aloft and her head held high. She wants those eyes on her, if she can help it. The dark fur of her muzzle gives way to a rich, royal blue. Flecks of lighter blue thread through her mane and down to her shoulders, morphing to purple and then to red and orange as it travels along her spine. She is bathed in sparks of every heat intensity; perhaps the Gods’ play on her personality as well. Her eyes are mismatched, one orange and one blue, and framed by a mask of the same colors on opposite sides. She is quite striking to say the least.

Brash - Let’s start with the fact that Sephira is a pottymouth, sort of ease you into things. Simply put, the time it takes for a thought to enter her brain and leave through her mouth would leave astrophysicists amazed. The filter just isn’t there. You can expect this shewolf to say what she wants to say and do what she wants to do, no ifs ands or buts about it. She’s running this show, so you can fall in line or gtfo.
Guarded - Sephi just don’t trust like that. Whatever ‘that’ is, she’s not there yet, probably not even close. Maybe with time and excessive amounts of patience you could peel away her layers to the fun, loving, free-spirited woman beneath, but at face value she has the personality of a gargoyle and she is perfectly fine with that. First impressions aren’t usually her strong suit unless she’s accompanied someone more level headed who is able to rein her in.
Impatient - It’s her -insert literally any noun- and she wants it now! Call J.G Wentworth, 877 cas- You know nevermind, you get what I’m going for here. What I’m trying to say is that the world runs on Sephi’s schedule, whether you like it or not. What’s worse is that for all that she can be impatient herself, she doesn’t really give a rat’s tail if her occasionally less than timely behavior inconveniences someone else. Very hypocritical, this one.
Domineering - If it wasn’t already blatantly obvious, Sephira isn’t really the sort to fall in line without a peep. If she’s going to be following anyone at all she needs to trust them unequivocally. If this incredibly high standard is not met you can bet your britches she’ll be off doing who knows what, asking no one’s permission but her own. She likes to be in control of her situation at all times, having felt so utterly powerless so many times in the past. Expect some fur to fly if you try to bully her into doing things your way.
Flirt - Don’t let this horrifying character review make you think this woman is nothing but sarcasm and sharp edges (It’s true, but like, you still shouldn’t make assumptions about people you’ve never met. Gawd.) When in more uplifted moods Sephi likes to compliment and of course be complimented in return. She thrives on feeling wanted and desired, feeling important. She’ll most likely take several lovers in her life. Her favorites will be the most devoted, but she can’t see herself settling down with anyone in particular any time soon. Trying to pin her down is the quickest way to make her leave.
Protective - This fiery fae has the heart of a lioness. Once she has decided you deserve to be in her life you’d have a damn difficult time getting rid of her. It should also be noted that if you happened to threaten or endanger one of her loved ones? Oh. Ho ho, you’d wish it were hellfire and brimstone raining down upon you rather than what she would cook up instead. While she usually prefer to avoid fights when she can, that certainly doesn’t keep her from getting creative with other things.. Like hornet’s nests, for example...

Alignment: Chaotic Good

History: She would have shared similar situations as Ig while growing up. I’d like to think they were pretty close if that’s alright with you, Mon! She would have been the sister to take blame and take harsher punishments, as long as it kept her other siblings from getting the brunt of it. The turmoil and discord in her homeland compiled until she was pressured into a very angry, resentful young wolf. She was used to a very Us vs. Them mentality, so when SHTF she was eager to leave home behind and follow her brother.

RP Sample: Sephira’s mismatched eyes blazed with rage. The fur along her neck and spine stood upright, her weight shifted up and forwards until she stood almost entirely on her tiptoes. Lip peeled back into a snarl, the noise that rumbled forth from her chest nearly surprised her. Well. She didn’t realize she was that angry, but she wasn’t about to rein it in now.

She watched from above as a small band of rogues fell in on the kill that she had taken down. She had followed that poor withered herd of deer for two days before she had gotten an opportunity to make her move. Little did she know the band of curs tailing her were all to keen to let her put in the hard work. Sephira was no fool; she knew that fighting off three males at once was suicide. Her father’s people, all too eager to spit upon the halfbreeds. They could rip her to shreds without consequences, probably. She wasn’t blind, she knew what the southern wolves thought of them now that Eira was gone.

Seething, Sephi turned to circle the area. Well, if she wasn’t going to eat for the next few days, she would find something to help her exact revenge instead. She had time, after all. She was not shy about letting the feasting southern wolves see her as she went, poking here and nudging there. Sephi hoped it made them nervous. Only one male could compete with her size, of course. The ring leader, the shield for the poor behavior of the other two. He would be her primary target, she decided.

The scent of something foul hit her nose. Something disease ridden and unclean. Sephi smiled. Following the trail she found the mouth of a den. What lived inside she could not say, but the entrance was littered with scraps of bone and half eaten haunches of fetid meat. A malicious grin wormed its way onto her features. Oh, yes. This would be perfect. She froze and listened, waiting until she heard the soft rumbling breaths of something sleeping inside.

Sephi rooted around for something suited for the task she had in mind. At first she considered maybe a stone or stick to toss in and rouse the beast, but after nearly tripping over a long slender branch, her plan crystalized into place. Grasping the thicker end between her jaws, she wrested it from where it lay, ever so carefully and always certain to keep one ear flicked towards the den lest she spook it prematurely. The branch was nearly twice her length, and as such was a bit unwieldy. Sephira struggled and staggered for a moment until it was level, rotating until the narrow end was positioned at the den’s entrance. She snickered to herself, then whipped her head sideways, satisfied with the enraged snort of surprise that greeted her.

Sephi took off like a bat out of hell. She heard more than saw the mutant bear burst from its burrow and take chase. She slowed herself, making sure it felt as if it might be able to catch her if it just kept trying. She whooped and laughed aloud as she ran. In the plains before her, she watched with vicious satisfaction as the other wolves heads sprang up, fear and realization and fury growing in their eyes. Behind her the bear screamed out its own frustration. Take that, motherfuckers. If I don’t get to eat my kill, no one does.

The males scrambled, eager to get away from the avalanche of spittle and claws careening their way. Sephi tore past them, checking her shoulder into the large male as she went. He tumbled to the ground. Retelling the story later she would feign horror at the noises he made but in truth, it was far sweeter than any meat she might have eaten that day. Despite the calories burned she considered it a roaring success.

Plots: Anything and everything! I'd like her to be more or less glued to her sibling's sides, doing her best to protect them while they get the feel for this new land. She might want to find a minion or two to do her bidding if the plot gods allow, but we'll see. Other than sticking with her fambam and seeing what plots unfold, I kind of consider her a clean slate!
Goals: World domination, obviously. Nah, I really just want to work on her character, try to see where she develops and take it from there. My goals are to make her less of a bith, but she probably just wants some people to boss around and a comfy place to sleep.

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox