
With a Whimper



7 Years
Extra large

09-25-2018, 05:33 PM
Future. Lark hated that word. He still remembered the kinds of dreams he'd had growing up, of being trained to follow in his father's pawsteps and taking over Abaven and maintaining his family's glory. However, time had changed him - it had changed them all, honestly - and he'd denied the opportunity not once, but twice. Leadership was not a role that suited him, or at least that was what he'd convinced herself. Sparrow was definitely better suited for the role, and he was proud of what she'd done with Abaven, despite the circumstances. He couldn't help but wonder, occasionally, if his father would be proud or if he would be disappointed in how little they had achieved - though on the other hand, why should he give a damn at all about what his father thought? He'd abandoned them, just like their mother, and like most of his siblings had.

Dwelling on the past never brought him any comfort, so he chose to live in the present as best as he could. Lillie's sudden sickness had put a damper on his normally quite peaceful life, and after nothing seemed to help he'd been forced to ask Sparrow for him. Weirdly, asking in itself was quite difficult and awkward for him - as time went on, it had become increasingly obvious that his sister and mate would never like one another (in fact, he was certain what they both felt resembled hate) but he'd chosen to conveniently ignore that fact. Too much of his younger years had been spent dwelling on his own internalized angst; rehashing whatever had happened to bring about this kind of tension wouldn't help things at this point.

He'd been pleasantly surprised by her invitation to join her, and he hadn't hesitated in agreeing quickly. An afternoon with his sister sounded like a nice change of pace. Their conversation as they traveled was surprisingly pleasant, as Sparrow opened up about things she'd been feeling lately regarding Abaven, as well as things she'd never told him. He, too, shared things with her that he hadn't expected to; his own fears that he wasn't strong enough to properly support his own family, let alone be a valuable member of Abaven. Of course they talked about their father, and their mother - how their abandonment had affected them both in different ways. Slowly they began to shift into the tongue that their parents had taught them. His Italian was rusty, since it'd been a long while he'd really spoken it, but he felt nostalgic as they neared the Stone Steppe and talked. More freely now, like when they were kids, and Lark felt honestly at peace with his sister, the first time he had in so long. Why hadn't they done this sooner? It was too bad that they'd only taken an outing because Lillie was sick, but he supposed it was better than not spending time together at all.

Finding the language he'd been taught in his youth coming much easier, he'd loped back into familiar speaking patterns more easily than he expected.  "You're the expert," Lark commented playfully, flashing his sister a light grin before pushing onward. He'd let her lead the way - no matter how much he sniffed at the air, he couldn't quite distinguish most plants and herbs from one another, so trying to was futile.