
Rhy babies?



7 Years
Extra large
09-26-2018, 07:09 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2018, 10:40 AM by Torin.)
Wiiiip in peace (Also heck you Kat!)

Name: Tempo Destruction
Age: 2

[Image: rjEnWCr.png]
Tempo is an unfortunate mixture of her parents, in such a way it seems she was almost designed to off put both of them. In stature she matches that of her mother, clearly feminine in her form; long thin legs taking the majority of her 31" height into her limbs. There is a sort of delicacy to her appearance, not so much so that she appears helpless but is clearly build more for speed than for brawn.

As for her pelt however she has clearly taken after her father; her fur is short and coarse, giving her little protection from cooler climates. A deep slate color marks the majority of her body nearly unbroken she may appear more plain than even others of her name as her coloration is hardly broken at all; notably with only a splash of light grey along her chest, and a thin blaze that runs up her nose to just between her eyes. The only signs of her mother along her pelt is the light grey under eye markings, a signature marking of the Destructions and the deep chocolate brown color that creeps up her limbs and the tip of her tail, fading into the slate color of the rest of her body.

Set within her soft face are a pair of large bright blue eyes, drawing once more from her mother though without the secondary color Rhythm has.

Personality: Tempo has always been a rebel, it would not be uncommon for her to get into trouble as she refused to do as she was told. She is a strong personality

Activity: how active can you try to be with this character?
Plots: How did they escape the Slavers? What kind of relationship do they have with Rhythm and Rhyme is any?
Other: anything I missed? Let me know if you have any other big ideas!

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3