


07-18-2013, 11:26 PM


He had not banked on Alessa lunging back at him, with much more force than he was capable of using. Her shoulder collided with his chest, possibly harder than she'd intended, and it knocked him to the side. His right front leg saved him from collapsing completely; however, the momentum was too much and he took two hops to his right to correct his balance. Tyberius was happy that she hadn't hit him from the left side, else he'd be down on the ground with his soft belly showing. His new strategy was to keep her on his right side, since she'd by now see that his left side was his weakness. It would be difficult but he would try.

Tyberius wasn't far from her now, close enough to aim for the scruff on the side of her neck. She wouldn't be as willing to continue sparring if he'd gone for the throat, he was sure of that. His ears were still flat against his skull, his eyes still slitted. His tail was held high enough for balance but not too high. As quickly as he could manage, he bared his teeth and went for that bit of fur between her neck and shoulder on her left side. His front paws were thrust forward, hoping to find their way to her left side to support himself.


attacks: aiming to bite the scruff on her left side between her neck and shoulderblade, hoping to land his paws on her side for support

defenses: ears still flat against skull, eyes slitted against major damage, tail held high enough for balance but low enough to evade her teeth

injuries: bruising to his chest

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 226 NOTES: edited for rounds.