
Rhy babies?



1 Year
09-27-2018, 08:09 AM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2018, 09:34 AM by Khepri.)

Name: Andante Destruction
Age: 2 or 3

Appearance: I want him to have a larger build. Here is a reference for his appearance-

This is my character Dominic and I have yet to play him, but I am happy to change his name. I think Andante would be fitting.


 Dante is a tad bit of a complex character. Yet, I shall do my best to portray him in truth. Simply put, you will either like him or you won’t. He is the epitome of pure arrogance intertwined with sarcasm and raw passion finished off with a dash of pride. He contains a bold spirit that borders the line of absolute courage and pure stupidity. Dante is not afraid to make his feelings and thoughts known if need be and often times it has gotten him into one too many spats. That being said, Dante is never one to instigate violence... [Ignore the laughing in the background.]

 Dante tends to keep to himself, much to the delight and dismay of others. He is locally labeled as the “introvert” or “recluse” which he very much can be. Though, it is usually his attitude that drives others away. His tongue is sharp and he usually doesn’t have the tolerance for idiots. Unfortunately, he views most of the common census as idiots. He is learning to find peace in solitude. As well as comfort in the fact that holding others at a distance keeps him from creating emotional attachments. With his luck, emotional attachments could definitely screw up a few things. Perhaps that is why he can be such an asshole.

 Depending on his mood and who he is with his personality can vary. He very much is what has been described above, but he isn’t always a condescending or aloof jerk. He does have another side. Despite his calloused heart, there are inklings of humanity and compassion within him. Andante really can be a sweetheart and he, in general, is kind towards those he holds dear unless given a reason not to be. He does have a bit of a poetic streak to him as well. For example, his heart breaks at the cruelty of the world, a rather ironic feat all things considering. He mourns for that mother who loses her pup to a disease… Or a lover his one true heart to another… Even those who face rejection and shame because nobody else can truly understand them… These are the type of vague conditions that keep him vulnerable. On his best days he can be many things, but unnecessarily cruel and unforgiving he is not... Usually.

 In addition to his “other side” Andante has a knack for teasing and being light-hearted. He can definitely be a flirt and will lay it on thick if he wants to. He isn’t exactly the gentleman and if he were human you can bet that he would have already received his fair share of slaps from those lovely ladies that he manages to incite. He doesn’t usually hide his intentions and he almost never follows through on a promise, unless his heart is absolutely taken by said woman. But when has that ever happened? (I'm desperate for love-plots, can't you tell?? (; )

 Should such a thing occur know that Dante has a bit of a jealous streak within him. He is fiercely protective of what is his and as primitive and feral as it might sound he will have absolutely no problem staking claim on it. Naturally, he is not somebody to be messed with and will always retaliate or defend himself. But this man will f*** you up if you dare to touch any such thing that has laid claim on or given his heart to. Or at least die trying. This isn't his smartest move, but pride before wisdom is what he lives by!

The most important thing to never forget is that Dante has a taste for the darker things in life. Not necessarily completely evil just yet, though he has been in a few circumstances that he doesn’t care to share. Not many are close to him and those who are close have very little understanding of him. He appreciates those things in life that are misunderstood like himself. It just so happens that they always tend to be... well, evil. He has and will forever be drawn to anger, sorrow, pain, death... Perhaps it is because of his history or maybe something truly fearful lies within, waiting for its moment to peak. Regardless, it is not something that can ever be helped. As he grows older it worsens day by day. Yet, this is who he is. One must never forget his rabid nature, in one moment gaining your trust and the in the next he will be the very thing that is at your throat.

He considers himself to be chaotic good, though he is probably closer to chaotic neutral if not somewhere in between.

Activity: I will be able to post at least several times a week though recently I have been lurking pretty much everyday >.>

Plots: Oooooh... So much that could be done... I was thinking that he endured a horrible fate with the Slavers and was somewhat raised by them..? Eventually, he ended up escaping, but not before severely injuring one of the Slavers. I do not know much about them (Slavers) to know if that would be possible, but I am willing to plot whatever with his history. Also, I am down to learn whatever I can about the Slavers so that way I can have a better understanding of Dante's history. c:
Also, knowing his personality he would probably be distant from his mother, but still be curious to learn more about her. As stated in his persona, he does have a soft spot particularly for these types of situations and for those that he is related to. ^_^

Other: Nothing that I can think of now. I live for plotting, especially with this guy because I have had his character on the back burner for the past 2 years and have yet to actually play him. Sooooo... I am up to anything that you can think of. x.x
[Image: 2zg9453.jpg]