
On my father's wings!



1 Year
09-27-2018, 09:21 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2018, 09:50 AM by Chael.)
The delta had been pretty cool, but after a couple of nights spent there and getting her bearings on the new world she had come to, Chael was ready to see more of what this place had to offer. Deciding to head northwest, Chael followed one of the rivers upstream, the effect of which had her feeling like she was barely walking. The river rushed passed her going downstream, while she walked in the opposite direction, making her feel as though she was making no progress. She would have been extremely frustrated, if not for the changes in the ground which told her it was only an illusion. Smiling to herself, Chael holds her head a little higher as she carried herself along the riverbank. Her cinnamon-tipped tail flew in a prideful, banner-like fashion above her hips as she trotted along, her alabaster pelt absolutely gleaming in the early afternoon sun thanks to this morning's bath.

Her proud gait helped to eat up the few miles she felt like roaming, finding a nice burn in her muscles and realizing it meant she was now traveling up a gentle slope. It did not take long for the princess to know where she would be stopping for the day. She could hear the sound of a waterfall in the near distance, and this encouraged her to move a bit faster, it had been so long since she had seen a waterfall! When she arrived at the river's starting point, she was shocked to say the least. Sparkling in the midday sun, a heavenly staircase of pools was fed from a broken series of waterfalls, all of them feeding and overflowing the shallow pools that lined the slope. It was absolutely stunning to behold, like a heavenly portal to angelic baths. Songbirds made their presence known after they realized that Chael was no real threat to them, and frogs sang their songs in time with the crickets and cicadas. The only real problem she saw with the area was the mosquitos, but her pelt was thick enough to deal with that.

Now she only needed someone to explore with, while she enjoyed her company, she really enjoyed when others could bask in her glory as well! What a splendid backdrop for an angel to meet the rabble! She just needed a native to come along and tell her what this place was called, to help her get the lay of this area. She wanted to know the falls' secrets and mysteries. Chael had to. It was a perfect candidate for a home base, because of the water, there would be plenty of prey and they wouldn't really have to worry about drought either. There had to be a flaw somewhere, there always was.

For Navigation points!
Action. "Talking." "You."