
Intruder Alert



3 Years
Extra large
09-27-2018, 11:37 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2018, 11:40 AM by Asharya.)

Asharya's ears perked and her head swiveled. All around her the underbrush had suddenly come alive with the sound of rapidly overturning leaves and pawsteps. "I'll save you Dad!" ...Erm. Pardon? Suddenly, a tiny black blur burst into view... and sank a set of tiny, razor sharp fangs into her hind leg. "What the fu-?!" She did her best to yank the limb from the gremlin's jaws but before she could manage, another lighter blur zoomed into existence and attached to her forelimb. What vile spirits had she pissed off this time?!

No longer able to move forward or backwards, an instinctive flight response told her that leaping sideways was her next best option. Unfortunately, as Asharya bunched up her muscles to spring away, another set of jaws clamped down on her tail. Asha tipped her head back and yowled out for the pain of it. Fuck, that shit hurt! Despite her now watering eyes, Asha did her best to shake the beasties loose. Finally she caught sight of the hulking grey figure standing poorly concealed at the den site's far edge. At once, everything clicked.

She wasn't being mauled by a clan of wolverines after all! Now that she had the mind to actually take note, they were just pups. Her cousins pups, if she had to bet. Her cousin, who obviously knew how to hold a grudge with the best of them. Two more pups flung themselves out into the open, snarling with all the savagery their tiny bodies could provide, and launching at her as well. Asharya sent Malleus a glare that she hoped conveyed all the colorful expletives she now knew she would have to refrain from saying out loud.

Asharya flopped sideways, hoping she would squish at least one of the little beasties, if she was lucky. "AUUGGGHHH!!! MY LEGGGSSS!!!!" She wrenched up the forelimb that the second puppy assassin had clamped onto, figuring either he'd let go or she'd get a face full of pup, to dramatically cover her eyes. "OH, Spirits take me, the AGONYYY!" She yowled and warbled to the best of her ability, which ultimately wasn't all that difficult because jeez, those tiny teeth still packed a punch. One of the pups began to lash her head from side to side, and Asha felt the sting as it drew blood. "Ow! Shi- Erm, I mean, SHOW MERCY ON ME!"

God, as long as they didn't go for the eyes... From her place on the ground she sent their father another glare, silently swearing revenge for... uh, his revenge. Regardless! He thought he could hold a grudge? Oh ho, he ain't seen nothin' yet...

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox