
When things don't go the way we foresee

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-28-2018, 03:19 AM
Vail was quick to pick up the pieces of the pack beside her sister. As Shaye and Vail walked, side by side, the two sisters would consider what needed to be done. She would catch a scent of Solor, who had gone a similar direction, through whatever he got up to, he was clearly giving the two sisters peace to deal with this change together.

“Neither where you. Little miss tenacity” she grinned at her sister, the expression echoing through her words. All of this was going to be easier with Vail at her side.

“Good idea Vail, it’s a good place to start. I’ll need to see whos left, and what path they seeing Abaven going down, compared to my own vision of” she hummed softly under her breath as she considered the task before them. “We’ll need to set up a healer garden, and i’ll need to come and go from the pack quite a bit especailly at first. Do you think you could take on that responsibility, and you and Solor can answer border howl's together?” she suggested. She was glas now that Solor was here. Protective older sister and all, no matter how dependent Vail was, she wouldn’t have liked the idea of Vail meeting possible hostility at the borders of Abaven alone.


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