
The World Has Grown Cold



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-28-2018, 11:32 AM
Her ears could hear the approaching voices, they were unfamiliar and seemed like they were heading towards the den. She peeled out from behind her paw frowning as she realized the smell of dead rats probibly didn’t help her case any and she felt the need to growl at herself, but she had to remain quiet. Uncurling herself quietly she surveyed the den, hoping to find somewhere to maybe hide. Her scent would still be scattered all through the den, but if she could properly hide they may think she had left. The problem was, there was no where to hide and it defeated her even more. All alone, no protection, and now her fate would be to die young because of it. It made her quietly shake with more emotion threatening to let loose. She laid down and quietly curled into a ball, praying that she wouldn’t die yet.

It seemed like hours that she listened to the approach of those voices, they got closer and closer. She could even here one right at the den entrance and it made her hold her breath, fearful that she would be discovered. Then suddenly a loud snarl that sounded the size of a bear and a commotion outside began to erupt. Yelps and fleeing pawsteps were heard right before the coyote halfway in the den began to fight with something. She didn’t know what at this point, but something was fighting them. The scent of the creature hadn’t lingered into the den and it could vary well be a bigger predator comming for her. All she could do was wait and when the brief silence settled she again held her breath braces by herself for what may come next.

She hadn’t expected her uncle’s voice to call her, she expected that maybe he too had went with them. She did know he had taken her one brother for training. Did that mean? She exhaled sharply before getting up and ambleing to the cave entrance only to come face to face with her blazing red brother. Her normally calm stone faced composure cracked as she attempted to press against him, thankful that she was no longer alone. She was brief before trotting towards her uncle’s call. Her molten gaze looked up to him, swirling with emotions.

“They’re all gone,” her voice cracked as the emotions threatened to spill over again.

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them