
And then I let him go



3 Years
Extra large
09-28-2018, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2018, 06:15 PM by Asharya.)

Asharya was used to the look she got whenever someone took in her coat for the first time. In fact, the young shewolf puffed up, proud of the way she looked. She was the daughter of deities and spirits, who wouldn't hold their head high? She did her best not to exude too much arrogance, or at least no more than would be considered normal for her. "Hah, glad I'm good for somethin'!" Asha grinned. She liked this other female's deprecating humor. It resonated with her. "At first glance, anyways," She shot back with a wink and a smile, even if the stranger would have a difficult time seeing it from where she stood.

The duller shewolf proudly proclaimed that she was exploring, and Asha could respect that. After all, wasn't it the same impulse that had brought her to these shores? Fair enough. "Honestly, I just swam here because I could. Wasn't really sure what would happen once I got here, but seems like it's going fine so far." Of course, the young Abraxas woman was used to things changing on a whim. "I'm Asharya, by the way, but Asha is less of a mouthful. Your explorations turn up anything worthwhile so far?" Her paws itched to find something extraordinary. Buried treasure would be ideal, but Asha supposed she would take strange creatures or ruins of some ancient civilization if treasure was not available. And who knows? Maybe this adventurous mortal would prove herself worthwhile in the meantime.

Asha began to pad farther down the beach, realizing that the other shewolf was trying to analyze her safest route down from her own perch. The fiery fae grinned... well, wolfishly. If the stranger wanted to accompany on her adventures she wouldn't turn her away, but watching her fall face first into the sand would be just as good. With a win-win situation like this, how could she not be gravitated towards this weird mortal female? She was a sucker for spunk.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox