


07-09-2013, 02:09 AM
holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

The creature seemed fascinated by her, borderline infatuated by very exact presence, and as he gazed longingly in her direction, she could not help but succumb to the amusement he had offered. She would have chortled had she not contained herself as his rhythmic speech wafted through her auditory passages, realizing that she hadn?t been mistaken and that he truly was admiring her, gifting her with pretty words and praises that might have swooned her had he been of her own species and far less creepy with his vocals. But she?d humor the bird anyway, a coy simper drawing across her tainted facial features as she bent her left forelimb outward, pressing the dainty paw lining it against her the plush, crimson fur upon her chest cavity to display her gratitude in the most demure of manners. ?If I could only blush, how pink I would turn,? she purred easily, her words convincing although her message was insincere. She planted her paw back against the earth then, waltzing off to closer the proximity between them, an undeniable sway to her hips. As she neared where he had perched himself, she plopped her rump to the grassy terrain, her mass greeting the earth with a dull thud, gaze never straying from his form. ?Ezekiel, you flatter me so. You are quite different from the other birds ? yes, much more beautiful in plumage with a far more impressive wingspan. Tell me, my sweet, how high is it that you can fly? Surely with your wings you could soar high above the treetops!? she asked innocently, giving a slight cock to her skull for effect. Yes, he would prove to be a much useful ally to her, so she could play his game, hopefully captivating his loyalty so that she may utilize him to her advantage. She might have been an alluring little babe, but she was far from kind; it was much too bad for the creature that was unaware of her true intentions.
