
With a Whimper

Sparrow I


7 Years
09-29-2018, 05:56 PM
Sparrow felt lighter than she had in what seemed like years. Maybe it had been years. Sparrow couldn't remember a time when she had felt any more free than when she had taken a break from Abaven. Maybe that's what she needed. As Sparrow led the search for the herbs, she stopped between sniffs to talk to Lark.

"When we're done with this- and after we know no one's sick anymore- I'd like to go on a holiday," Sparrow said, turning to her brother. "It would be nice to see if I could find Brandr and Corentine again and see how they're doing. I feel like I haven't had a break in ages."

Sparrow laughed lightly, but she wasn't joking. She felt like she had been sprinting full speed ever since their father left. Maybe she could find some companionship on the journey. Maybe she would find Peregrine again. Okay, that was wishful thinking. At this rate, Sparrow wasn't going to settle down with anyone, but she figured she might as well give love one last chance.

A wistful expression cast over Sparrow's face.

"As much as I don't maybe agree with who you chose, I'm glad you found love. Your children are amazing..."

Sparrow's eyes flicked to Lark's for a moment before she quickly busied herself again. That was the closest Lark would ever get to her accepting his relationship and she didn't want to press the issue.

Sparrow turned and kept searching for the herbs, occasionally plucking one or two out, observing it with a frown, and tossing it aside.

"All of these plants haven't matured. I think the weather this year has kept them from growing how they normally would."

The two walked through the lands for some time. Sparrow tried to keep a general direction towards the mountains just in case. There should be more herbs that way. The brush was thicker the closer they drew, so Sparrow was hopeful the rain hadn't drowned everything here.

Sparrow was so focused on pushing through the foliage and scenting herbs that she didn't hear the rustling ahead until she was too close. As she poked her head through a bush, she heard a startled snort nearby. When she looked up, her eyes met with the beady eyes of a bear.

"Uh. Lark."