
Plot With Fox



3 Years
Extra large
09-29-2018, 09:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2019, 09:36 AM by Asharya.)
Hello fellow humans! It is I, your friendly neighborhood Fox, here to ply you with my feminine wiles a plethora of characters in an attempt to con you into threading with me! Please look below, to the profiles for each individual character I currently play! You will find a link to their profile, a general summary of their personality, and what I have in mind for them moving forward. Please don't let that squash any potential spark of creativity! If you have an idea for our two characters, feel free to let me know regardless. What I've written is merely a suggestion. You know, like coloring inside the lines, or laws or something.

Traits Explained:
Morality: How likely they are to make a choice based on what commonly seen as 'good' or 'right'
Friendliness: How likely they are to accept strangers, or those unfamiliar to them
Extroversion: Low score = Introvert, High score = Extrovert
Antagonism: How likely are they to poke buttons, how often they try to get under your skin
Pacifism: Low score = Tends towards violence, High score = Tends to resist violence
The Fuse: Everyone has their snapping point. Low scores snap for less, high scores are more tolerant. I.e. Use this to gauge whether or not a thread with an asshole will end well.

CURRENT ROSTER: - Profile Links
Aesir | Asgeira | Asharya | Cypress | Gaios | Nerys | Orion | Sephira | Sorenn
(Ctrl/⌘+F to jump!)

Aesir Skaldi

2 Years / Autumn || Male || Lawful Evil || 40" || Fighter (Expert) || Intellect || Loner/(Valkyrie's Band)

Morality / ★★★
Friendliness / ★★★★
Extroversion / ★★★★★★
Antagonism / ★★★★★
Pacifism / ★★★
His Fuse / ★★★
  • Rough, gruff viking Horny Boi™ out to have a good time. Will probably amuse himself at your expense. Not the sort to become best friends after one meeting, and will probably try to chew on you at least once before he decides whether or not you're worth his respect.
  • When he gets riled up he is ready to rumble. If Aesir sets his mind on something, it's going to be done or at least attempted until someone needs to drag him to a healer. Good guy to have around if you like dangerous stunts and extreme sports.
  • LOOKING FOR: Sparring partners, Skill points, Warrior Bros, Training threads.
  • NOT LOOKING FOR: Romance, happybubblyfuntime threads, anything to do with pups.

Asgeira Aldfinnr

3 Years / Winter || Female || Chaotic Good || 34" || Healer || Intellect || Loner

Morality / ★★★★★
Friendliness / ★★★★★★★★★
Extroversion / ★★★★★
Antagonism / ★
Pacifism / ★★★★★
Her Fuse / ★★★★★★★★
  • A Young hedgewitch traveling with her Red Panda companion/mentor. Believes spirits inhabit every part of the world, both animate and inanimate.
  • Can generally be relied upon to be in a good mood. Enjoys meeting others. (Its the panda you have to watch out for..)
  • LOOKING FOR: Skill threads, Gathering threads, Friends, Romance, Drama.
  • NOT LOOKING FOR: Packs, Enemies, Violence.

Asharya Abraxas

3 Years / Winter || Female || Chaotic Neutral || 42" || Navigator || Fighter || Risen Empire

Morality / ★★★
Friendliness / ★★★★★
Extroversion / ★★★★★★★★★
Antagonism / ★★★★★
Pacifism / ★★★
Her Fuse / ★★★★

  • She takes after her mother, in the sense that wherever she goes, she tends to bring chaos along with her. this pretty lil firecracker is only slightly less impulsive these days than she was as a pup. Lots of zest for life. Too much, perhaps.
  • While perhaps not as violently volatile as the rest of her family, Asharya is still very prideful and she takes shit from no one. As long as they behave, most come out of threads with her with all of their limbs still attached.
  • LOOKING FOR: Exploration/Nav threads, Fellow Troublemakers, Friends, Romance (maybe)
  • NOT LOOKING FOR: ??? I'm open to any suggestion, honestly.

Cypress Wreckage

1 Years / Spring || Male || Neutral Good || 33" || Healer || Navigator || Loner/Kesali

Morality / ★★★★★★★★★
Friendliness / ★★★★★★
Extroversion / ★★★★★★
Antagonism / ★
Pacifism / ★★★★★★
His Fuse / ★★★★★★★
  • I still need to spend some time figuring him out. I haven't done too much with this boy so far and I'm still wiggling out how his character is going to develop. What I can tell you now is that Cypress is a Very Good Boy and a pretty friendly dude. Seeking fellow philosophy nerd friends.
  • Very quirky. Prone to saying unusual things at times, but its usually easy to laugh away. He tries hard to be chivalrous and kind, and tends to wander off on short quests from time to time, seeking answers to this or that. Would love some travel buddies.
  • LOOKING FOR: Skill points, Navigation Questers?, A good mentor, Friends and allies, Romance?
  • NOT LOOKING FOR: Violent threads, Anti-family plots, Immediate romance

Gaios Abraxas

3 Years / Winter || Male || Chaotic Good || 45" || Navigator || Intellect || Loner/Abraxas Band?

Morality / ★★★★★★★★
Friendliness / ★★★★★
Extroversion / ★★★★
Antagonism / ★★
Pacifism / ★★★★★★
His Fuse / ★★★★

  • Amon's youngest son. Gaios is usually calm and relatively quiet, and can be expected to keep a level head in most situations. He inherited his father's mind, with only a sprinkling of his malice.
  • Currently conflicted after returning from their homeland, a bit lost in his faith in his family's birthright. He's running around soul searching for the time being.
  • LOOKING FOR: Nav Threads, New faces, Long term friends, Allies, Spiritual drama, Good family drama
  • NOT LOOKING FOR: Poorly planned family drama, Pack stuff (for the time being)

Nerys Oriya

2 Years / Spring || Female || Neutral Good || 32" || Navigator || Hunter || Loner

Morality / ★★★★★★★★
Friendliness / ★★★★
Extroversion / ★
Antagonism / ★
Pacifism / ★★★★★★★
Her Fuse / ★★★

  • A brand new char, ripe for the plottage. Nerys is a bit of an ice queen, but it is possible to melt some of the frost away. She's got a bit of an issue with being told what to do, and is new to this continent anyways.
  • She just wants a relaxed life with lots of food and a warm place to sleep. Would do best in the company of kind, quiet sorts. Abrasive, rude, or pushy wolves will not get along with her at all. I will not be held accountable for her dodging out of threads after one post, you've been warned.
  • LOOKING FOR: One or two close friends, Slowest of slow burn romance, Exploration buddies, skilled hunters to work with, trading threads perhaps? I want her to develop IC, so if you want your char to get to know her, expect quite a few threads before she starts to open up.
  • NOT LOOKING FOR: Packs, Jerkfaces, hamfisted plots.

Orion Aeris-Imperialis

2 Years / Winter || Male || Chaotic Good || 42" || Navigator || Hunter || Loner

Morality / ★★★★★★★
Friendliness / ★★★★★★★★
Extroversion / ★★★★★★
Antagonism / ★★
Pacifism / ★★★★★★
His Fuse / ★★★★★★
  • Local sparkledog seeks friends and adventure. Orion is a lighthearted guy who can usually find a silver lining in most situations. He had a rough start in life, so he's hoping to make up for lost time now.
  • Will 100% start mischief if left unattended. Porbably should keep your eye on him unless you want to get dragged in. Luckily he is equally amsued by good conversation, so if you can keep his attention you might be safe.
  • LOOKING FOR: Skill threads, Exploration & Aventure, Mischief making, rabblerousing, mayyybe romance?
  • NOT LOOKING FOR: Dark plots, evil plots, inter-family drama

Sephira Agnivo

3 Years / Autumn || Female || Chaotic Good || 40" || Fighter || Hunter || Jarl of Fyri

Morality / ★★★★★
Friendliness / ★★★★★
Extroversion / ★★★
Antagonism / ★★★★★★★
Pacifism / ★★★★
Her Fuse / ★★★

  • Sephi is Ig's sister from Mon's Fire & Ice adopts, and she is a force of nature. Very much a 'take life by the scruff and shake vigorously' sort. Still hasn't gotten over her teen angst. She has a lot of IC work to do here in the near future. I really want to take time with her development, and see where she goes.
  • Hanging with Sephi is a lot like being tossed into a centrifuge. She's gonna go where she's gonna go, and if you're down for that sort of ride she's happy to take you along, but you better be holding tight.
  • LOOKING FOR: Friends, Flirts, Pretty girls, Hunting buddies, gathering buddies, skill threads of any kind, anyone who can put up with her nonsense, pretty much.
  • NOT LOOKING FOR: Violence, Dark plots, Packs

Sorenn Locke

2 Years / Summer || Male || Neutral Evil || 35" || Intellect || Navigator || Loner
Morality / ★★★
Friendliness / ★★★★★
Extroversion / ★★★★★★★
Antagonism / ★★★
Pacifism / ★★★★
His Fuse / ★★★★★★

  • Another new guy I'm excited to play. Don't let the NE alignment scare you off, its just because he's a self-centered asshole who does not care about you or your feelings. No offense.
  • Think brigand, pirate, highwayman, Jack Sparrow but more cynical than humorous. Would still be all about some rum though. Sorenn can be a fun guy to be around if you can prove to him you're useful enough to be worth the effort.
  • LOOKING FOR: Pretty much anything, I guess? Adventures, shenanigans, crime and petty thievery, etc. Drinking buddies????
  • NOT LOOKING FOR: Anyone who wants to mess up his pretty face.

PM or DM me via Discord if you'd like to get something started! ♥
Updated: 1-1-19

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox