
With a Whimper



7 Years
Extra large

09-30-2018, 02:36 PM
A holiday? Lark found himself grinning slightly at the thought of traveling with his sister. He wondered if she meant for Lillie and his kids to come too, but he didn't want to break the mood and ask seriously about it. That'd be a plan they'd figure out when they were ready, but it was a nice thought to hold on to. "That does sound nice," he agreed, sighing contentedly at the thought. A break sure did sound appealing, and he wondered briefly if Archon would allow it.. or if they really needed to ask permission? He hadn't spent long thinking about who ran Abaven now, or why things were they way they were, and he wasn't about to start right now.

As Sparrow began to speak, initially he felt his heart sink. He knew she didn't agree with his choice of mate, of mother of his children, but she didn't exactly have any say in it and for a moment he was wondering why she was bringing her up at all. But.. her next comment made him smile, a wide, genuine smile - and Lark decided he honestly had not been so happy in quite some time. Only if Lillie was feeling better soon, things would really be looking up.  "Aren't they?" His face had a hint of playfulness as he flashed Sparrow a look, glad she didn't blame them for who their mother was. As long as Sparrow tolerated Lillie, that was more than enough for him, and he had long-since stopped hoping things would be perfect between them.  "It's strange to even imagine that we were responsible for them. They're getting so big already..." Somehow, they were already yearlings, no longer tiny bundles of fur but actual individuals now, a fact that still blew his mind.

The moment was fleeting, but something Lark wouldn't forget for a lifetime. His own smile softened as Sparrowed busied herself with actual herb collecting, shuffling quietly behind her. She admitted the plants weren't fully matured yet, which meant... it'd be harder to find medicine for Lillie. Damn. He was quiet as they walked together, though after some time she paused, obviously distracted by something. He tilted his head, lifting his snout to the air and sniffing carefully at it. "What-" He started, though he saw the bushes rustle in a way that suggested something much larger than them might be nearby. For a moment he froze, unsure what to do and if his senses were deceiving him. "Sparrow... run!"