
What Hurts The Most


07-09-2013, 02:31 AM

He grinned, swiping at her nose, pulling his paw away before she could manage to snag it between her teeth, eyes narrowing as she batted towards his own ears, jaws snapping playfully at her own paw in return. He always thought himself to be mature, but whenever he was with Mei, she seemed to bring out his actual age, the more playful side of him. Not many got to see that side of him, since he tended to tuck it away when dealing with others. But with Mei, he didn't have to hold back. He could act his age and feel completely comfortable with her. That's what he liked about her so much. She let him be himself with her, the real him, not the serious him the rest of the world got to see. Thank you captain obvious. He teased playfully, a joking tone coating his words as he watched her rise, shaking the dirt in her pelt before turning to him, asking him if he wanted to get breakfast. That's gotta be a trick question right? Or like a rhetorical one? He laughed to himself, thinking himself quite clever.

Limbs scrambled beneath the young Adravendi, pulling him back to stand up, following Mei's lead, giving his silvery pelt a quick shake to somewhat clean it before coming to stand at her size, nuzzling her neck as she asked him to lead the way. Fine, I'll show you the way, but then you're gona have to catch our food, since you think yourself so light on your feet little woman. He nipped at her ear tips, bumping her with his shoulder before padding forward, cerulean gems flickering back to his companion before looking ahead, scouting out the forest surrounding the lake for possible prey.

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