
Kicking Down The Door



3 Years
Extra large
09-30-2018, 09:41 PM

Sephira was doing her best not to be grumpy. Her brother had wandered off somewhere and the weather was dismal, but she was trying. She was hungry too but that was normal, so that wasn't really too detrimental. It just didn't improve her mood at all. She lay sphinx-like on the ground, paws crossed over one another, and lowered her head rest it atop them. The colorful shewolf grew tired of this warm, loathsome season.

It was humid, the rains came often, and although the air was clean and prey plentiful, it was not home. That was a good thing, though. Right? At least that was what she kept reminding herself of. Just because it was unfamiliar did not mean it was bad. Just because she was alone more often than not, instead of surrounded by sideways glances and murmured gossip, well... How could that not be a good thing? With a beleaguered sigh she rolled sideways and onto her back. She swiped at the sky with her left forepaw, angry that there was nothing for her claws to strike.

The field of rocks she had found herself in was nothing special, truthfully. The moss which grew between the boulders perhaps absorbed and muffled the sounds of the rest of the world, lending an eery sort of quiet to the land. Sephi thought it was peaceful, in an odd way. She felt alone with her thoughts. That wasn't necessarily a good thing either, but at least she was finally trying to make sense of it all. They had at last found their way to a new land, a safe land, compared to home. At last Iggy would be able to live without persecution, and that was all she'd ever wanted. Her brother meant the world to her. If this new continent wasn't prepared to welcome them, well, she would blaze her own path until she found a land that was.

With a firm sense of determination, Sephira rolled back onto her paws and then stood, shaking the dirt from her coat. She was supposed to be finding a meal, not drowning herself in emotion. It helped no one if she became distracted, and the shame of returning with nothing to show wasn't an option either. She turned her nose back to the prevailing wind, hoping to catch the scent of something worth eating.