
Kicking Down The Door


09-30-2018, 10:36 PM


She had wandered too far from Firefly Lake, and didn’t know her way back. She was still new to these lands, and wasn’t accustomed to the world being so.. So big. Her little island home had been easy to memorise, she had grown up knowing every rock and tree and creature. She knew her sister would come for her, but until then she would have to figure this out on her own.

The young wolf was hungry, her modist hunting abilities had barely filled her belly. The little mice she had caught in play had been a start, one already gone and into her belly, another held gently in her jaws as she walked with open curiosity across the rock garden.

She was jumping between rocks when a sudden figure rose, her brilliant toned body immediately visible across the dismal, grey surroundings. She gasped in wicked-surprise at the butterfly wings that brushed brilliance across the other woman's eyes. She had never seen a wolf as beautiful as this one.

It was perhaps a good thing that she was distracted by the mouse that jumped free of her loosened grip, hitting the ground with speed, only to be immediately smited by the still-surprised Lyrae.

The younger wolf squeaked again, still getting over the suddenness of it all, through all the other wolf had done was rise to her paws! Lyrae wasn’t afraid, no fear coursed through her young veins, or touched her un-tried heart. Her surprise and confusion was by the sudden emotions that had welled inside her heart as she witnessed beauty before her. She had always loved stories, and was perhaps vain enough to admire her star-swashed coat, but none of that came close to this brilliant wolf before her. “O-oh, hello, i’m so sorry.. I didn’t see you there.” she would try to explain herself.

Art by Sigath