
When things don't go the way we foresee

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-01-2018, 01:26 AM
“Thats why we always do everything together” Shaye pointed out warmly, nuzzling Shaye’s shoulder in a hug before stepping back again. She was grateful that Vail didn’t seem to think twice about joining Abaven, about joining Shaye. Taking on Alpha responsibilities clearly worried her a lot more, but Shaye had confidence in her sister.

As she expressed that, Vail seemed to believe it, housing only a hint of doubt. “Impossible.” Shaye argued. “We are a family, and I believe in you, no matter what you do.” she continued walking then, her tail swishing against the banks of the rapids as her careful paws walked her along the bank. She had no fear that Vail would fall into the waters, it might have been a long time ago, but Vail had been born in these lands. And besides, her sister had grown into her confidence in understanding the world around her.

“Ok, so let me know what you need to start the garden, and i’ll find some recruits to give you a hand to if you need. Or-” she grinned impishly at her sister. “Would you rather do it as a project with you.. And Solor.” she raised an eyebrow at Vail. “Do you want to talk about how that’s going? Am I going to have to deliver the big sister threat to him?”


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