
Kicking Down The Door



3 Years
Extra large
10-01-2018, 07:08 AM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2018, 07:28 AM by Sephira.)
LANGUAGE WARNING: Seph is a pottymouth, I'm sorry :')
OOC: Also! These posts might be edited pending on any details I don't have quite right for Mon's idea of the canon <3

Sephira wondered if perhaps she really had been in her own world for a moment there, because she stood back up with company that she was fairly certain hadn't been there before. Striking company, at that. Absolutely perplexing company that she could not make sense of. She openly stared at the young she-wolf for a long moment, blinking quickly. It took a lot to render her speechless, and if her siblings had been there too they would roll their eyes and agree. But the thing is, this young stranger was definitely not one of her siblings, so why the fuck did she look so much like she could be?

It was not that her coat was colored brilliantly, it was that distinct mix of oranges and blues, the hues of the north and the south, that had caught her so off guard. Was she a mixblood? Had she followed them from the east? She was obviously younger than Sephi, and shorter besides, but that didn't mean she didn't have something less than savory in mind after Ig's exile. All of these questions circulated in her mind, but the one that jumped from her lips was, "Uh, who the fuck are you?" Sephi backed up a few paces, keeping the stranger in her sights all the while, and leaped up onto the nearest boulder. She hastily scanned the surrounding area, half expecting to see a small army awaiting her.

Well, the two of them certainly weren't alone, but their audience didn't exactly qualify as an army.

Sephi's eyes zeroed in on a pup of all things pressed against another boulder not far from where she now perched. She blinked. His coat was perfectly bland, by her standards anyways. At a glance he looked thin and a bit anxious too. Hardly fighting material, especially considering he couldn't have been more than a season old. She scoffed. "And who the fuck are you? I swear, I lay down for three heartbeats..." She whipped her head back to the older of the two strangers. "Now you've got about three heartbeats to explain yourself, did Mars send you? I didn't think there were any other mixbloods, so are you exiled or what?"

Sephi had no idea just how little sense she was probably making, but she was also lowkey freaking out. She was used to having a good handle on her situation, whatever it may be, shitty or otherwise. Sephira thrived on having her own personal ducks in a row. This was not part of the plan, (even if making horrible first impressions was pretty much par for course.)