
When things don't go the way we foresee

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-01-2018, 02:22 PM
Vail kept to her opposite side to the rapids, and she could hear to soft patter of her sisters paws, over the gentle gurgle of this quieter part of the stream. They were going to do this together and that gave her confidence. Enough so that she felt like she could do anything.

Being back in Abaven reminded her of so much of her childhood, she would have wallowed in monhocony when she found the spot Rhythm had taught her to hunt salmonders, a spot she had then taken Finch to, showing her cousin the art when he wanted to hide in his den all day.

It wasn’t far from here that Arcus had entered the territory to find her, ony to incur Bass’s wrath when he discovered the trespass. Reminders of the boy that could have been was another factor that was hard to pull her thoughts from. She was grateful when Vail caught her attention with her words.

She stopped in her tracks and turned her attention to the white wolf, a slow smile over her lips, through none of it showed in her voice. “No? He’s just a silly boy then, I wager? Hmm. I should probably stick him in the ‘Weeds’ rank then, let him work his way up. I mistakenly thought he mattered.” she was needling her sister, seeing if she would get defensive at the slight, seeing how much he did matter, if she was refusing to say it outloud. Her grin stretched wider, then wider, an open-mawed tease as she looked at her white-pink sister. “A weed would only be good for fetching and carrying for your garden, however.” she admitted mournfully.


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