
The Blue Knight

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-01-2018, 02:38 PM
Rhyme would explain that Valentine still lived where the pack had once ruled supreme, but the pack was there no longer. He would also explain that he was the one who had won them both their freedom. Shaye hoped he had left a bloody trail across his escape. She didn’t often condone violence, but she had no mercy or compassion for wolves who would kidnap and hurt others. She was uncertain what horrors these two might have gone through, and wished she had known, wished she’d had the chance to spare them. No point wasting breath on what could-have-been. She had already come across so much regret in her return. All she could do was forge her path forward.

She growled softly in approval to Rhyme, letting him hear her opinion through the soft and primitive noise.

She would find out more about these slavers, about Rhythm, and about what these two had gone through, but she would first answer his question and see to the business of the pack. “Once we have a few more fighters in the pack, you will take on an apprentice and teach them how to fight. You will attend all meetings, training exercises, take on patrols, and potentially be assigned to watch over wolves that wish to walk outside the pack borders for any reason - such as hunting, gathering, and peace negotiations.” she would explain.


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