
7 Tips For Beating The $*!# Out Of Social Anxiety



3 Years
Extra large
10-01-2018, 04:42 PM

Today was more pleasant than most others she had endured since traveling to this strange, new realm. Sephira had started to worry that every day would bring her oppressive gray skies and rain, but this morning was heralded by vibrant blue and dry air, much to her delight. It was certainly hot, but at least is was not humid. The sun was bright overhead as Sephi struck out, eager to find something with which to fill her belly, if only for a day. She traced a meandering river as it wound along, widening eventually and splitting off until it had become a vast delta. Sephira sat there at its edge, marveling at the beauty of the wetlands, and watching the flocks of waterfowl come and go with a critical eye.

Gods, she was hungry. It had been too long since she'd tasted the rich, fatty meat of a duck or goose. She was more likely to catch the former than the latter, but she knew if she spooked one flock every bird in the delta would be swept up in the instinctual need to flee in the face of danger, whether they saw her or not. A ripple effect, she supposed, and so Sephi knew she would have to be careful. Her stomach rumbled out its discontent but she was well-practiced in the art of ignoring her bodily needs. Er.. Well, most of them, anyways. Hunger was ever present, it was just that some days were better than others.

Things had been better since coming here. The prey was not so paltry, not so scare or sickly. She had put fat on her bones since arriving, but perhaps she had reawakened parts of her insides that never knew they were deprived. She was hungry constantly these days, as she fought to build strength to mach a place where the world around her was not just as withered as she was. She let out a quiet, long breath, worried even then of startling what might soon be her next meal. The opportunity would arrive, if she was patient. The kicker was that patience had never really been one of her strong points.