
36 Painful Truths Only Siblings Will Understand



3 Years
Extra large
10-01-2018, 05:56 PM

Sephira had wandered quite a ways a way. Over several days. And many, many miles. Iggy is going to have one helluva time finding me, she thought with a chuckle. That seemed like a future problem, at least for the 'Now.' She trotted through this dry, deserted land with a smile, tail held high. This was a day for adventure! She had decided it was, anyways, and she was bound unto no other law than her own. If she wanted to fuck around amongst the scorpions and cacti, well, that was her choice. No one there to tell her she was being reckless and dimwitted, regardless of the truth.

In fact the knowledge that she was making poor choices was all the more motivation. No one stood behind her, breathing down her neck, telling her she would shame her family or throw a tentative peace into chaos. That pressure was gone, partially in thanks to her mother and mostly in thanks to her half-brother. Her mood soured momentarily before she remembered that this was a day for fucking around, not dwelling on the past. Well. She would have to find some sort of trouble if she wanted to force that particular bagged back out of her mind.

Humming to herself, Sephi trotted along. Her direction was aimless, but eventually she came upon a lakebed which seemed on the verge of drying out entirely. It had been a wet season, and the lake retained more water than was perhaps normal, but Sephi skirted the fringes all the same. Perhaps she would chance upon a flock of fowl or an unlucky beast who had mired themselves in the mud-turned-quicksand that had once been the lakebed here. Who knew what such a prodigious day would hold? The farther west she went, the smaller the issues of the east seemed to grow. It was liberating, but unfortunately for all, it left Sephira feeling just a bit more reckless than average, and that was good for no one.