
A moment to breath



9 Years
10-01-2018, 08:12 PM

She had sent Eli with Thora to ensure her remaining daughter stayed safe as she traveled. She was nearly a year old now and though Storm would rather her stay around the girl wanted to roam. Storm couldn't keep up with her anymore and in fact was beginning to tire vary easily. She had no one else but Eli to go with her. If she knew where her older children were lingering maybe one of them would take their younger sister. She still didn't know what she was going to do, she knew her sickness was bad, but she couldn't break it to Thora, not at her age.

Slowly the black and silver women moved, not really knowing where she was headed. Her pace was slow, taking her time so that hopefully she wouldn't go tired so easily. Her ears and nose were both alert as she drifted back into the habit of moving around herself. She was growing more used to be alone now that Chin stayed behind with her family clan. She wanted to come back to Boras and find her kids again. She had crossed close to Abaven already and she could no longer find Corentine's scent. Her daughter must have moved so she had no clue where to start looking for either of her children.

She felt the shadow of the cave on her silver back as she entered it, sounds began to echo as she traveled into the cave. Ears swiveled on her head as she took in the sounds around her. Nose twitching as she caught the fresh scent of another that had just also came into this vary cave.

"Hello?" she quietly called out.

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times