
When things don't go the way we foresee



6 Years
10-02-2018, 12:49 AM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2018, 12:52 AM by Vail.)
Shaye was much too clever for Vail's own good, she saw through her words with crystal clarity. The albino she wolf adopted a rather ashamed look as Shaye retorted painfully, if Vail had been thinking more clearly she would have realized her sister was joking. Instead she burst out with a quick "No!" her ears fell to her skull suddenly ashamed of her overreaction. 

She grew even more red than when she was burned by the sun as she managed to make out Shaye's features in the brightness of the day. She shook her head in frustration then, fully outed by her own mouth. However she was not so naive to know her sister had goaded into such a reaction. Judging by the sound of the water here was shallower and slower than most of the river and her decision would only take a few moments to be made. 

Vail gained a rather predatory look as she suddenly flung herself towards her much bigger sister. She meant for the both of them to go tumbling into the water, mostly so Shaye might drop the subject at hand. Of course nothing ever went according to plan, and though Vail didn't put a paw out of step when they had been walking together she tripped now. Suddenly she was flat on her face, embarrassed physically as well as socially. She huffed heavily but didn't make any motion to get up. 

She would go from playfully joking around to completely serious. The last time she said she loved someone she had to leave them. What if she lost Solor like she had lost her parents? Sure she and Shaye had voluntarily gone but she had expected to find them when they returned..

Vail felt tears well into her eyes as she thought about the whole thing, not wanting to admit out loud how much she cared for Solor, not being able to find their parents, and all the new responsibilities laid on her shoulders. Of course she would never complain about helping her sister as much as she could but coupled with her brilliant fall she felt just as helpless as she had as a pup. 

Surely Shaye was more than concerned, Worrying her sister right now was the last thing she wanted. She sighed before sniffling and wiping the tears with her paws. "I'm sorry Shaye, just everything.." she was much too emotional as her voice caught in her throat. "I.. I think I love him. But if I say it out loud.." What if I lose him?
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