
When things don't go the way we foresee

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-02-2018, 12:53 AM
Vail was perceptive, and smart, but she didnt see through Shayes test, instead she cried out a negative at her sister supposed plan. Well! This bot certainly was something, if he could blind Vails sensible thinking.

When her sister lunged for her, she was half expecting some type of retaliation and pranced backwards. An unnecessary motion apparently, as her sister suddenly tripped and tumbled to the earth. Shaye couldn't help it, she laughed out loud. Not at Vails clumsy act, but at the realization that Solor had put her calm and controlled sister in such a state. Vail had it bad for him!
Then, she heard the sniffing and realised what she had done. She crouched beside her sister, licking her ear gently so she would know that Shaye was there.

"Oh Vail" she whispered softly. She forgot sometimes that her sister was blind, and double so - because couldn't it be said that love was blinding? I'm sorry Vay, you didnt see. You didnt see his face when he walks beside you. Did you feel how he hovered there? Just at the edge of your range. I saw it when he walked to our borders. I still shouldn't have teased you so." She admitted, pushing her muzzle under her sister head, nudging the smaller wolf up.

"He loves you too. He would be a fool not to. If he tried to walk away I would drag him back by his scruff, and invent a rank of slaves - just for him." There was a hint of steel to her voice, subtle but there. The iron of an older sister.

"You dont lose the ones you love. You have never, will never, lose me." She pointed out, understanding that some of this sadness came from losing their parents. She would lay beside her sister for as long as she needed.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.