
And then I let him go



3 Years
Extra large
10-02-2018, 12:57 PM

This mortal really was something. She made her way down and closer too, much to Asha's delight. Today ought to be interesting, then, she thought with a quiet laugh. The earth-and-ivory she-wolf introduced herself as Cael, and up close Asharya noted at last just how tall she really was. Her mismatched eyes reminded her of her cousin, who was also about their age. When the girl remarked that she would consider any venture a success as long as the important people survived, Asha tipped her head back with a laugh. Quickly regaining her breath, she replied, "Ha! Well, all the best stories involve a bit of risk, don't they? Otherwise you've got nothin' to talk about after that but the scenery."

Seeing that Cael meant to join her, Asha kept walking along the shore for a few paces longer. She shook her coat once once again, perhaps putting a bit of extra vigor into it in the hopes of splashing the younger wolf. Never hurt to test someone's tolerance for bullshit before actually engaging in some bullshit. In fact... She smirked. "Well, Caelsnail, I'll tell you what. If we're about to embark on a treasure hunt, we've got a lot of ground to cover, right? Can't be arguing over dumb shit, we won't get anything done. I say," Asha paused then, and jerked her head towards a driftwood log cast ashore in the recent storms, maybe a hundred yards farther along the coast.

"Race you for it? Winner calls the shots and, of course, bragging rights. Whaddya say?" She spread her paws out and braced them in the sand. If it was her brother, she absolutely would have darted off in a heartbeat, no questions asked. But other than the fact Asha figured she really could beat the slightly shorter wolf, the bragging rights would be sweeter without hedging bets in her favor. She raised one brow, mouth hooking upwards in an eager grin.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox