
gentle touch



3 Years
10-02-2018, 01:05 PM

Upon hearing the woman's response to exploring the land, Loccia appeared to perk up at the answer. A shimmer crossed her gaze, seeing a good opportunity to ask the other to possibly show her around and reveal some secrets perhaps. Her features even shifted to something of surprise, finding a small amount of joy in learning that this woman was actually born in these lands. Housing two more similar structures as well, if she followed the fence south. This was definitely news for the girl, her steps moving her away so that she could gaze down the fencing in said direction. By now her tail was fully in the air and wagging in excitement.

With the voice continuing, the girl would twist back around to see what direction she spoke of. Lavender gaze shifted towards the west, trailing along a field that held some plants poking up in a sparse pattern that she could only compare to baby sunflowers. “Oh?” It would slip her lips in a hushed tone, finding herself moving forward a step or two in wonder. The thought of prey made her mouth water, feeling a small rumble move across the bottom of her stomach at the thought of catching something nice. She would have to try hunting something down after this encounter, otherwise it was going to drive her mad.

Alas, she would be able ot place a name to the lady rather than stranger or woman. Ara. It was simple and sounded pleasant. But then a question would come up, catching the young girl off guard. Did she know a woman by the name of Loccian. Without meaning to, her ears drew back partially and a low breath slipped past inky lips. “I do...” Confusion was clear on her features as she tried to process the intent behind his question, understanding very well that bad things had happened in the past and could very well resurface. Could she trust the woman? Surely she could, Ara didn't seem like she would do something bad. Then again, they had just met.

“I was named after her.” The girl would have to test the waters now, see how things went from this moment on. So many times she was taught not to give someone your complete trust right up front, for some would take advantage of it. She had to keep some kind of guard up, whether physically or mentally, just so she was always prepared. But she didn't want to be suspicious of others, giving them a chance to show that they were could and she could become friends with them. “Loccian is my grandmother.” She added on after a moment or two. Where would the conversation go no? Was she overthinking things again?

Currently in heat for Winter.