


07-09-2013, 02:44 AM

He wasn't an ugly wolf by any standards. Certainly was handsome in his own right, but he was no Killian. Not that she really liked liked Killian, but she did feel a rather strong attachment to the boy who shared a similar past to hers. Her first friend, a friend who was slowly worming himself a place inside of her usually empty heart. And then the man before her started talking, mumbling something about things she had no idea what he was talking about. Where do you think you're going, darling? Disgusted by the sight of me? Can't imagine what it would be like to be missing a part of you? To have it torn from you in the most painful way? She hadn't barely said a few words and already he was blaming her for supposedly something she had insinuated? Alessa stared quietly at the man, allowing her mismatched gaze to roam over his frame, noticing that one of his hind legs was missing. Oh, so that's what he was talking about. Surely that had to be pretty hard, walking around with only three legs. She felt kind of bad for him, wishing there was some way she could help him, but knowing that she couldn't. It wasn't like she go get a leg for him and put it back on. It was impossible. Poor guy.

And then he continued on, talking about how he understood everything only to go on and excuse himself for his ranting, introducing himself as Tyberious, asking her what she was doing out here all alone. It's quite alright Tyberious, didn't bother me none. My name's Alessa and I'm just wandering around, looking to see if anyone needs help. So far haven't run into anyone that has. What about yourself? Voice was soft, very gentle in tones as she spoke, ivory tail flicking idly between her hocks, peachy ears perked forward with attention, wandering what kind of explanation he would provide for his presence in this particular place.

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